How to disable the color gradient "effect" on ambience? [not relevant]
As ambience takes the colors from the picture, mostly the color picked for gradient effect towards the app drawer is not nice. I would prefer just the pic as it is and nothing on top of it. How could this be done?
the image that creates that effect is called 'graphic-wallpaper-dimmer.png', it's found in /usr/share/themes/jolla-ambient/meegotouch/icons/ . Perhaps in terminal, the dimmer could be 'masked', but I don't know as yet how to do such things. Someone with better knowledge would probably know how.
Spam Hunter ( 2014-01-22 03:58:32 +0200 )edithmm, I renamed the file and rebooted, yet didnt see any change in anything. Is it because for some reason my actions were poor, or are we talking about different things?
andreas1 ( 2014-01-23 12:41:33 +0200 )editMy bad, andreas1, I gave bad info! I had only extracted that wallpaper and then played with the phone sometime after, then realising that renaming or even removing makes no difference, apologies once again.
Spam Hunter ( 2014-01-25 00:23:06 +0200 )edit