What is the difference between answering and commenting on a question? [answered]
Can someone explain please? Thanks
Can someone explain please? Thanks
Answer should provide some kind of a solution to the problem and comments can be used to clarify the question (or answer).
So if you feel like "Hey, I know this one!" add an answer. But if you are like "Wat?!?", you can add a comment to the question requesting more info from the author.
I think the guide text above the answer box quite well explains the nature of questions, answers and comments.
Wondering if there can be "abuse" of this, like people commenting as answer to show him/herself. Is there a possibility to "flag as comment" ? So after some votes, an answer is transformed to a comment ?
Sfiet_Konstantin ( 2013-12-13 16:45:02 +0200 )editAre there moderators, or just those with sufficient karma?
Anyone with more than 500 Karma will have the ability to delete answers, and it will be very tempting to delete those answers that are clearly comments (which may upset the poster) but I see no way to convert an answer into a comment (which would be preferable to outright deletion).
Asked: 2013-12-12 17:50:51 +0200
Seen: 7,366 times
Last updated: Dec 12 '13