Peeking eventsview when lock code is enabled?

asked 2016-01-21 01:19:01 +0200

Goblet gravatar image

Hey! I've been wondering what could I do. I haven't found an answer yet.

My problem is that I have device lock code enabled and when I wake my phone I can see that I've got some messages and calls for example. But I can't see any information about those. Not even caller's name. With SailfishOS1 it was possible only by swiping up from the bottom. Now there is no way to do it. Or is there?

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No way, and I'm happy with it. Displaying the caller name means displaying dates, messages and so on. Of course having the option like pre-2.0 would be better for less privacy concerned people.

AliN ( 2016-01-21 02:16:38 +0200 )edit

Oh, I disagree. I understand privacy issues, but I wouldn't bother someone seeing who has called or texted me. I think only the names would do. And maybe beginning of the message too. I would like it to be at least optional.

Goblet ( 2016-01-21 22:50:55 +0200 )edit