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3 Not able to sync all email on Exchange account

asked 2016-01-28 18:16:00 +0200

JSEHV gravatar image

I am only able to sync the last 1 month of email on my Exchange account settings. There is no option to choose to sync all email.

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2 Answers

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answered 2016-01-29 02:05:54 +0200

jolla_dehiti gravatar image

hi everyone! - first post and so...

my phone is still on sailfish version, but i ran into the same problem a few weeks ago. this is how i circumvented the one-month-limitation to get access to all mails of my exchange account:

file workmanship

  1. close e-mail client and close account settings page (not sure if really necessary but i did)
  2. make a backup of the following two files:

    /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActivesyncCommon.qml and /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActiveSyncSettings.js

  3. open /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActivesyncCommon.qml with your favourite text editor from your jolla phone or preferably via ssh from another device.

  4. search for section:

    ComboBox {
    id: syncOldMessagesInterval
    //: Sync interval for old emails
    //% "Sync old emails"
    label: qsTrId("components_accounts-la-activesync_sync-old-emails")
    currentIndex: 0
    onClicked: {
        commonSettings.move.enabled = false
    menu: ContextMenu {
        MenuItem {
            //: 1 day interval
            //% "1 day"
            text:  qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-1-day")
        MenuItem {
            //: 3 days interval
            //% "3 days"
            text:  qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-3-day")
        MenuItem {
            //: 1 week interval
            //% "1 week"
            text:  qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-1-week")
        MenuItem {
            //: 2 weeks interval
            //% "2 weeks"
            text:  qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-2-weeks")
        MenuItem {
            //: 1 month interval
            //% "1 month"
            text:  qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-1-month")
  5. change last entry

            MenuItem {
            //: 1 month interval
            //% "1 month"
            text:  qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-1-month")


            MenuItem {
            //: All events
            //% "All events"
            text:  qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-all-events")

    and save the file

  6. open /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActiveSyncSettings.js like you did in 3.

  7. search for section:

function pastTimeValueFromIndex(index, defaultValue, isEmail) {
    if (isEmail) {
        switch (index) {
        case 0: return 1    //CFG_PASTTIME_1_DAY
        case 1: return 2    //CFG_PASTTIME_3_DAYS    - default
        case 2: return 3    //CFG_PASTTIME_1_WEEK
        case 3: return 4    //CFG_PASTTIME_2_WEEKS
        case 4: return 5    //CFG_PASTTIME_1_MONTH
        default: return defaultValue
    } else {
        switch (index) {
        case 0: return 4    //CFG_PASTTIME_2_WEEKS  - default
        case 1: return 5    //CFG_PASTTIME_1_MONTH
        case 2: return 6    //CFG_PASTTIME_3_MONTHS
        case 3: return 7    //CFG_PASTTIME_6_MONTHS
        case 4: return 0    //CFG_PASTTIME_ALL
        default: return defaultValue

replace in the first switch listing

case 4: return 5    //CFG_PASTTIME_1_MONTH


 case 4: return 0    //CFG_PASTTIME_ALL

and save the file

account settings

then go to the settings of your exchange account, drop down on the item 'Sync old emails', set it to 'All events' and that's all - enjoy your marvellous e-mail history!

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Thanks, but in my view Jolla needs to add this option in their next release so users can select it without modifying files.

JSEHV ( 2016-01-29 07:54:12 +0200 )edit

Good job! You seem capable of finding files like this, maybe you could help us find a way to get more tweets to events view?

jollailija ( 2016-01-29 07:56:47 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-10-27 18:10:29 +0200

Gatze gravatar image

I want to try this on my Sailfish x, but the file's you mention (ActivesyncCommon.qml and ActiveSyncSettings.js) are not in the corresponding directory's, maybe there is something changed ?

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On Saiflsih X, the filenames have been changed. /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActivesyncCommon.qml is now /usr/share/accounts/ui/SailfishEasCommon.qml and /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActiveSyncSettings.js is now /usr/share/accounts/ui/SailfishEasSettings.js

The steps in @jolla_dehiti 's answer still apply, just to the respective files as described above.

jimjamz ( 2019-01-21 23:38:20 +0200 )edit

Just to let you know that even with the above changes, this does not work on Sailfish X. Attempting to do so is even more detrimental, as it breaks e-mail syncing completely. I'm no longer able to send/receive e-mail.

jimjamz ( 2019-01-23 15:23:41 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-01-28 18:16:00 +0200

Seen: 466 times

Last updated: Oct 27 '17