Not able to sync all email on Exchange account
I am only able to sync the last 1 month of email on my Exchange account settings. There is no option to choose to sync all email.
I am only able to sync the last 1 month of email on my Exchange account settings. There is no option to choose to sync all email.
hi everyone! - first post and so...
my phone is still on sailfish version, but i ran into the same problem a few weeks ago. this is how i circumvented the one-month-limitation to get access to all mails of my exchange account:
make a backup of the following two files:
/usr/share/accounts/ui/ActivesyncCommon.qml and /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActiveSyncSettings.js
open /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActivesyncCommon.qml with your favourite text editor from your jolla phone or preferably via ssh from another device.
search for section:
ComboBox {
id: syncOldMessagesInterval
//: Sync interval for old emails
//% "Sync old emails"
label: qsTrId("components_accounts-la-activesync_sync-old-emails")
currentIndex: 0
onClicked: {
commonSettings.move.enabled = false
menu: ContextMenu {
MenuItem {
//: 1 day interval
//% "1 day"
text: qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-1-day")
MenuItem {
//: 3 days interval
//% "3 days"
text: qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-3-day")
MenuItem {
//: 1 week interval
//% "1 week"
text: qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-1-week")
MenuItem {
//: 2 weeks interval
//% "2 weeks"
text: qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-2-weeks")
MenuItem {
//: 1 month interval
//% "1 month"
text: qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-1-month")
change last entry
MenuItem {
//: 1 month interval
//% "1 month"
text: qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-1-month")
MenuItem {
//: All events
//% "All events"
text: qsTrId("components_accounts-me-activesync_sync-all-events")
and save the file
open /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActiveSyncSettings.js like you did in 3.
search for section:
function pastTimeValueFromIndex(index, defaultValue, isEmail) {
if (isEmail) {
switch (index) {
case 0: return 1 //CFG_PASTTIME_1_DAY
case 1: return 2 //CFG_PASTTIME_3_DAYS - default
case 2: return 3 //CFG_PASTTIME_1_WEEK
case 3: return 4 //CFG_PASTTIME_2_WEEKS
case 4: return 5 //CFG_PASTTIME_1_MONTH
default: return defaultValue
} else {
switch (index) {
case 0: return 4 //CFG_PASTTIME_2_WEEKS - default
case 1: return 5 //CFG_PASTTIME_1_MONTH
case 2: return 6 //CFG_PASTTIME_3_MONTHS
case 3: return 7 //CFG_PASTTIME_6_MONTHS
case 4: return 0 //CFG_PASTTIME_ALL
default: return defaultValue
replace in the first switch listing
case 4: return 5 //CFG_PASTTIME_1_MONTH
case 4: return 0 //CFG_PASTTIME_ALL
and save the file
then go to the settings of your exchange account, drop down on the item 'Sync old emails', set it to 'All events' and that's all - enjoy your marvellous e-mail history!
Good job! You seem capable of finding files like this, maybe you could help us find a way to get more tweets to events view?
jollailija ( 2016-01-29 07:56:47 +0200 )editI want to try this on my Sailfish x, but the file's you mention (ActivesyncCommon.qml and ActiveSyncSettings.js) are not in the corresponding directory's, maybe there is something changed ?
On Saiflsih X, the filenames have been changed. /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActivesyncCommon.qml is now /usr/share/accounts/ui/SailfishEasCommon.qml and /usr/share/accounts/ui/ActiveSyncSettings.js is now /usr/share/accounts/ui/SailfishEasSettings.js
The steps in @jolla_dehiti 's answer still apply, just to the respective files as described above.
jimjamz ( 2019-01-21 23:38:20 +0200 )editAsked: 2016-01-28 18:16:00 +0200
Seen: 466 times
Last updated: Oct 27 '17