[Feature request] Disable HTML5 video autoplay in browser by default

asked 2016-03-08 12:04:55 +0200

huuhaa gravatar image

Disable html5 video autoplay in browser by default + add easy way to change this setting (maybe under settings >> programs >> browser, or similar). If I'm not wrong, you can turn it off like in firefox:

1) about:config
2) search autoplay
3) change media.autoplay.enabled from true to false

If so, only problem is that about:config doesnt seem to work with but thats different issue. I think we need nice way to change that behavior + set the default value to false.

Usercase: One says "good night" to wife/husband, but isn't so tired yet, grabs the phone and thinks "I'll just read some news and be quiet"... Other one fells asleep and then suddenly, some video autoplays with sounds on... You can all quess how the story continues. :D

I would prefer no autoplay as said before, and tap to play button when I want to see that video.

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Annoying especially when the embedded video ad cuts of the sound from your Internet radio show.

Jolla095 ( 2016-03-08 22:00:20 +0200 )edit

@huuhaa - The user case ... well, don't keep us guessing!? What happened after the video autoplayed - divorce or sex? ;)

sifartech ( 2016-03-08 22:47:01 +0200 )edit

@sifartech Nice one! :D All I can say is.. Not divorce & reporting problems to forums migh sometimes be good idea also... Might lead to something good.. Sometimes also the problem will be fixed. ;)

huuhaa ( 2016-03-09 14:50:10 +0200 )edit

Make a lot of sense, especially on mobile data to save user from unwanted, not requested traffic costs. Opera has built a lot of business around data saving in mobile.

piero ( 2016-03-09 22:31:57 +0200 )edit