Android application to make audio calls over the internet that does not crash on SailFish

asked 2016-05-03 14:55:20 +0200

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updated 2018-12-03 21:56:57 +0200

Tanghus gravatar image


As for SailFish, audio calls over the internet are not completly notively supported, is there an Android application to make audio calls over the internet that does not crash on SailFish ?

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Skype and whatsapp working good for me..

Schturman ( 2016-05-03 16:32:07 +0200 )edit

@schturman Whatsapp says: "Unable to connect. Please try again later" CANCEL or CHECK STATUS.

CHECK STATUS says : "WhatsApp service is operating normally"

I'm using WhatsApp v2.16.54, what is the release version of your WhatsApp ?

SebM ( 2016-05-03 16:38:23 +0200 )edit

I'm using WhatsApp 2.16.35 and it works a treat. Whenever I start it up it asks me to update, but I just select "Later"

pseudoscion ( 2016-05-03 18:58:43 +0200 )edit

@pseudoscion : I cannot find the apk for Whatsapp 2.16.35.

Can you share your Whatsapp apk so I can install it ?

SebM ( 2016-05-04 00:21:29 +0200 )edit

As sip client Zoiper work well

muchasuerte ( 2016-05-05 16:41:11 +0200 )edit