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Make headphone volume contol finer (i.e. more steps)

asked 2014-01-11 01:46:43 +0200

umko gravatar image

updated 2014-03-05 15:07:56 +0200

chemist gravatar image

Currently, the control of the headphones volume by pressing the volume buttons changes the level in too big steps. I.e. the difference in the volume by pressing the button just once is too big.

I often face the situation where the music is too low, but just after one press it becomes too loud...

Is there a solution to make the incremental steps for each volume button press smaller, so that we can have finer control over it?

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Was just thinking about this yesterday in a bus. Couldn't quite get the music volume right for my earbuds. So, seconded.

ZZB ( 2014-01-12 12:33:34 +0200 )edit

I would also love to see an enhancement on this behaviour. :)

Alex ( 2014-02-09 14:48:27 +0200 )edit

I have the same problem, we need more fine-grained control over the volume. Either its too quiet or too loud...

vasavr ( 2014-03-23 14:32:49 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2017-12-01 19:51:32 +0200

eriXD gravatar image

TL;DR: Volume adjustment for media (and call) is done via predefined audio levels in the files of the /var/lib/nemo-pulseaudio-parameters/algs/mainvolume/ directory. A quick and dirty solution for integrated speakers and headphones would be (Warning: this also changes call voulme adjustment, which might not be what you want):

cd /var/lib/nemo-pulseaudio-parameters/algs/mainvolume/
mv ihf ihf.orig
copy btmono ihf

Well, almost four years late, so this might be considered necrobumping ^_^

I was wondering about the same thing, since I have found the integrated speakers of my Xperia X too loud on the lowest non-mute setting (yes, you have read correctly: too loud, I'm one of these low-noise-people)... anyway, after having played around with a few files, trying to find a way to adjust sound levels, I discovered (... well, it was a discovery for me ^_^) that none of these changes actually worked and the volume values seemed to be hard coded. So I looked around a bit more and found the directory /var/lib/nemo-pulseaudio-parameters/ with two subfolders which (indirectly) contain a bunch of files.

Now obviously I'm only talking about my Xperia X here (I don't have my Jolla 1 at hand). The file I was looking for was /var/lib/nemo-pulseaudio-parameters/algs/mainvolume/ihf (afaik, ihf stands for "integrated hands free", which describes the builtin speakers), which sets two values: x-nemo.mainvolume.call and x-nemo.mainvolume.media. Now, since I'm a lazy bum, I just made a backup of the file, removed the media line with its 12 values and jut replaced it by the line of the btmono file (which has 15 values). After a reboot of the device everything worked just as expected.

Now obviously you, my dear reader... yes you! ;-) ... could create a file containing as many of these predefined values as you like to achieve whatever fits your ears... hell, you coul probably create a bunch of more files for the /var/lib/nemo-pulseaudio-parameters/modes/ directory of folders - these are all (well, all that I had a look at) links to the files in the algs/mainvolume folder, which could give you a really unique volume adjustment experience for whatever possible scenario you could think of...

Anyway, I hope, I could help someone. Have fun!

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@eriXD Thank you for your nice post! Usefull and I will try it soon. Since it seems you found your way to pulse-audio, I would like to ask you: Is there any parameter which I could change and have multiple apps playing audio? like AllRadio and Muuzik, without the one pauses when the other start. Some times this happens on my phone (XperiaX) but I don't know how to reproduce it :(. Also I noticed that if I want to change the volume after both apps play sound, I might have to go to the app to control the volume.

nas ( 2019-03-22 11:15:32 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-01-11 01:46:43 +0200

Seen: 654 times

Last updated: Dec 01 '17