2016-06-22 19:18:55 +0200
Yes, in principle you can, if the phone is in S3 state. This is one of the purpose of a systemd timer. For instance, the timer should look like this (not tested on jolla, but runs fine on my linux desktop)
Description=Wake up my system daily
OnCalendar=*-*-* 07:00:00
Such a timer will look for a "service" of the same name and will execute it after having woken up the system, here I start the clock, but anything you fancy is good.
Description=Wake up command
You may install these services in /usr/lib/systemd/user/ and activate them
systemctl --user start wakeup.timer
(or/and enable instead of start to make it automatic at each boot).
Just add a (recurring) alarm at 7:00, it will wake up phone from power-off.
kimmoli ( 2016-05-17 15:24:48 +0200 )editIs it maybe possible with Situations App?
PatsJolla ( 2016-05-17 15:45:30 +0200 )editif you use situations to go to airplane mode over night, jolla will consume 3-5% in my case from 22 to 7 am.
pawel ( 2016-05-17 16:33:24 +0200 )edit@kimmoli Setting up an alarm is not enough. After choosing "Snooze" or "Dismiss" for an alarm, SailFish OS puts the Jolla back to OFF. Is there a setting to tell the alarm to boot the device once the alarm acknowledged ?
SebM ( 2016-05-17 23:54:43 +0200 )edit"if you use situations to go to airplane mode over night, jolla will consume 3-5% in my case from 22 to 7 am. pawel (May 17 '16"
I use Situation App for setting Jolla into flight mode from 23 to 6 am. The power consumption lies between 2 - 4 %. With 4G on the power consumption is 5-6% over same period, and with 2G on 4-5% , respectively. (Naturally all depends on the low/high magnitude fields of 2G to 4Gs).
N9Sailfish ( 2016-06-23 11:45:42 +0200 )edit