2016-06-02 10:39:09 +0200
Well, I wouldn't say it is impossible but it definitely is something that would require a lot of work to do.
From the top of my head; for example the Factory Reset feature depends on ability to revert to a BTRFS snapshot. Implementing that on top of another FS would take considerable effort. Also the partition layout is dependant on the QualComm blobs needed for the chipset operation. Again, these could be transferred on top of another FS given time and effort.
Lastly; you'd need a tool to do the FS change on the fly, in such way that it would minimise the possibility of corrupting userd device during the switchover. Doable but requires considerable effort.
All in all, not worth doing IMHO. Currently the BTRFS is working pretty good provided that it is balanced regularily (which is the case with the autobalancing done weekly)