new action center
the event view now is comprensive of weather, notifications and twitter feeds, and if you want to go to the quick actions menù you have to swype from the top...if i disable the twitter feeds i get an empty space with a no notifications message on it...would be nice to have the quick actions menù directly in the events view when feeds are disabled :)
With no notifications, yes, it seems a good idea. But when you have notifications they may go out of sight.
AliN ( 2016-06-29 12:04:06 +0200 )editwell you can have notifications under the quick action center and swype as we do now for feeds if they are too many...
247 ( 2016-06-29 12:23:35 +0200 )editYes, but you know, we have a quick access gesture for events to check if there are any new notifs. Having quick action there instead, will ruin the whole philosophy of “notification center” – you can't check for new notifs with quick access gesture. Unless we have a special place for actions, just like the sidebar on the tablet UI.
In fact, I'm against the whole basic idea of having quick actions under events. I see them rather similar to ambiences than notifications, so having them near ambiences sounds more logical to me.
AliN ( 2016-06-29 17:48:21 +0200 )editwell in fact i want that thing only if feeds are disabled :) and anyway if jolla tries out something new i will gladly try it :)
247 ( 2016-06-30 01:46:38 +0200 )edit