mail for exchange remote wipe policy

asked 2016-07-19 20:09:10 +0300

Swl gravatar image

This is something that is well needed to connect the phone to enterprise systems, but i still think it is missing? the ability to enable the remote wipe MfE policy.

can this be added in a future release?

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Can this be added as a spoofing option, because I am the sole sovereign of my phone and any data it encompasses!? If MfE requires such a wipe policy it MUST be ensured that only MfE Data be wiped, not the entire device. If that goes against company policy, spoofing is the way to go.

MoritzJT ( 2016-07-19 21:10:39 +0300 )edit

good question. probably that would be enough, i even wonder if that aint a separate policy alltogether. however, would ofc be best to support both scenarios, just to handle all problems :)

Swl ( 2016-07-19 21:23:50 +0300 )edit

If that goes against company policy, spoofing is the way to go

That would be a fireable offence in our company.

strongm ( 2016-07-20 12:29:48 +0300 )edit