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Idea: gentoo mer core system build overlay

asked 2014-01-12 13:04:12 +0200

dies_felices gravatar image

The idea is for the Mer core specific components of Sailfish to be packaged up into ebuilds and distributed in a Mer Gentoo Overlay.

The target audience for this idea are meta-system builders, application developers and the Mer/Sailfish Team. I imagine by that probably a lot of the early adopters.

To briefly advocate Gentoo as a Meta-distribution and that is its the first advantage. Being a meta-distribution will give the user the choice system logger, cron demon and all sorts of other system tools. Gentoo also has native support for Licensing within its package management so open source and closed can live happily along side each other.

The pros are that as a Gentoo System you are able to choose which features are for your system, build the support needed to implement them directly into your system from the kernel up. Likewise there is the ability to exclude features to streamline the system.

The cons include, this being a new and great way to brick your phone. Gentoo does have its own issues such as an update of udev last year changing the way Network Interface Cards are named. The overlay would need to be managed by some serious system builders, who know what they're doing. Some of the closed source binaries licenced to and by Jolla, may need to be distributed using the Jolla store in the traditional manner.

In conclusion, my belief is that the benefits do out weigh the cons. This is not intended for the casual user and I expect may be quite intimidating for a some of those who aren't. It would mean that the core system builders would have new tool to help design and test around different system configurations. This should not be thought of as a direct replacement for the current system design and build but perhaps an alternative.

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1 Answer

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answered 2014-01-20 13:42:35 +0200

condo4 gravatar image

updated 2014-01-20 13:44:35 +0200

this build system for embedded exist, it call yocto project or openembedded, but mer project choose another way to build system: emulation vs cross-compile...

At the begining of openembedded, bitbake was a fork* of portage from gentoo distribution

*not really a fork, but very close to

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I'm not thinking of cross-compile and deploy. I'd be looking for genuine Gentoo experience on the phone building a new kernel at a café, hoping my battery will out last the build of Glibc. But more importantly, for example build the latest version of SSL after a security advisory.

Additionally Jolla could audition, Jacks, PulseAudio and Gstreamer with little work needed to support their integration into a system. Then all you need to do is look at the technicalities of the framework.

Imagine the quality of Jacks on your phone.

dies_felices ( 2014-01-20 22:20:11 +0200 )edit

ok, but compile for example a kernel on the ARM CPU take a very long time and a big power consumption...

condo4 ( 2014-01-21 11:36:18 +0200 )edit

Very true but for the big jobs, you can target times the phone in on charging for a while. Then there's CCache, you could as you've mentioned earlier utilise crossdev with distcc over a vpn. A Jolla phone could be as personal on the inside as it is on the outside. But yes, I agree kernel, gcc, glibc etc. building would kill your battery.

dies_felices ( 2014-01-21 21:26:12 +0200 )edit

On the other hand you plus some Jolla-Gentoo friends could come together for a Distcc/CCache party and share resources.

dies_felices ( 2014-01-21 21:28:02 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-01-12 13:04:12 +0200

Seen: 451 times

Last updated: Jan 20 '14