SailfishOS Core + OpenSource UI
According to the schematic at the end of the sailfishos about page, the core is almost fully open source. While the UI is not.
I do not know how appropriate this question is for this forum, but I want to know if anyone has used this core and put an extant open-source UI (say, from plasma-mobile) on top? What are the obstacles to doing this? Are there any open-source UIs available?
I ask this because I just joined this forum, and upon browsing, a lot of posts are about the non open-source nature of the UI & Silica. I understand that there are a lot of hurdles to turning the UI open-source, and I am hoping jolla will be able to stand on its own feet and turn all of it open-source soon. My question stems from me wondering why no one has done this.
Open source is the only guarantee against hostile actors using proprietary code to spy on the user. Jolla needs to bite the bullet and show its code has no exploitable insecurities.
richardski ( 2016-07-25 10:52:03 +0200 )editAlso discussed at (mostly about Nemo Glacier).
luen ( 2016-07-26 00:34:29 +0200 )edit@luen Thanks for that link! It is very nice to know that the community is taking up such projects.
kat6 ( 2016-07-26 12:04:51 +0200 )edit