Android camera and gallery application in Jolla C?

asked 2016-07-31 21:33:41 +0200

thisisme gravatar image

updated 2016-08-01 16:05:44 +0200

jiit gravatar image

So, I opened 1Mobile Android Store in my Jolla C today, went to "My Apps" section and was surpised to see Android camera and Android Gallery application there. Should I have those? Or were they installed as dependencies at some point without my realizing? They are working fine by the way.

Another strange thing I noticed later was that the Sailfish Gallery application refused to show any Photos and Videos stored in the device until I opened Android Gallery (reboot wouldn't fix it).

Any ideas?

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The media database can be kind of slow to update sometimes, definitely. You can try

Settings -> Utilities -> Refresh media database

MikeHG ( 2016-07-31 21:46:08 +0200 )edit