Jolla C not so limited? [answered]
So, does anybody know why this russian site is selling Jolla C phones?
I thought the Jolla C was a limited run.
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
So, does anybody know why this russian site is selling Jolla C phones?
I thought the Jolla C was a limited run.
Hi everyone! About the Jolla C sales in Russia: Due to certification issues, Jolla C was previously not available for Russian Sailfish community members, which was really a pity! We promised to work on it, and now finally our Russian community folks have the chance to get their hands on the device, and be part of the Sailfish Community Device Program.
It is a very limited offering (a few hundred devices), so if you're in Russia and want it, better be quick. So, no worries, it's definitely as limited as before. We'll also post about this on our blog soon.
Cheers, Juhani Lassila, Head of Communications, Jolla
Your official Statement is highly appreciated! It makes me wonder - after Jolla has done all the certification stuff - why there is no unlimited Jolla C for everybody. Is it the warranty regulations in the EU and the potential costs arising therefrom that keeps Jolla from offering unlimited devices?
In general: more Jollas would be great!
AkiBerlin ( 2016-08-26 14:00:14 +0200 )edit
vattuvarg ( 2016-08-29 12:42:23 +0200 )editLimited edition was sold within EU (+Norway, Switzerland) as community device program, with limited participant number. It's probably a different device production batch and Russia is a whole other market (a rather promising one for Sailfish OS). So the one you can preorder on likely isn't a limited edition - even though it's the very same device.
Buyon also took preorders for Jolla Tablet which was maybe they have a partnership with Jolla. Let's see if there will be an official announcement - it would be good to hear they're selling more devices.
Perfect! I hope it is indistinguishable from Jolla C and issued in much greater number so those price raising idiots who paid 500€ on ebay get a lesson. all my Jolla devices are all limited edition now that the J1 is not sold anymore if you considre marketing share of below 0,001%
It'd be interesting to know how many they are able to sell? on the other hand; the development program was limited, not the device per se.
@Federico : we are not yet sure if the phones have it, for all we know they have recycled the pics.
tortoisedoc ( 2016-08-25 19:57:51 +0200 )editits not the devices that were limited, but the developer program available spots.
tortoisedoc ( 2016-08-25 16:09:20 +0200 )editi am happy if jolla will be selling more would be sad (and a bit not correct) for who spent more than 200 euros to buy an used one, considering that there would have been anymore in future. but i think jolla just changes the plan going's obvious intentions were good.
the real question is, if jolla c for sale on buyon includes warranty..
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Asked: 2016-08-25 11:27:45 +0200
Seen: 2,555 times
Last updated: Aug 26 '16
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The page is for preorders. ...but interesting nonetheless.
vattuvarg ( 2016-08-25 12:15:55 +0200 )edit...and the cost is almost 205 €.
vattuvarg ( 2016-08-25 12:18:32 +0200 )editThis is good news :)
kt ( 2016-08-25 18:14:43 +0200 )edit