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Intex aquafish gets moderate rating from people in India

asked 2016-09-04 07:38:07 +0200

partha9940 gravatar image

Intex Aqua fish is available in India fro last one month or so and there are 100 user reviews in Amazon. It got moderate rating till now. Some people who gave it poor rating are those who bought this product without thinking much and then compare it with Android and then when they found it lacks some features that they are used to in Android then they start complaining . But if we go into the product technically and view it from price point of view then we find it's not that bad too. Many people have complained about heating issue but in my experience it doesn't heat that much. I have seen sets from hTC and Samsung with price range of ₹13000/- that heats a lot when used for half an hour when only whatsapp Facebook and play store . But Aqua fish tends to heat up lesser than those . Battery backup is not good for aquafish and so is the charging . The charging is a bit slow . The camera is also not good . But again we have to see the price point too. But still these areas need improvement . Till now this set is not for very avarage users. Actually since the OS is in it's nascent stage so it's users must keep this in mind and buy and use them accordingly keeping in my that they are here to use the set as a test device and help Jolla and it's developers to make and rectify the OS and app related issues . If we keep these in mind then this set will not disappoint us at all .

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Nascent stage? After 3 years? That alone should raise a flag! ;)

Apropos dismissing people complaining about missing features will get Jolla... where exactly? Maybe it's time to finally start listening. In fact that time had come and gone at least 2 years ago.

pichlo ( 2016-09-04 10:25:27 +0200 )edit

Rating from Intex website 4.6/5... though coming from all over the world.

JoHe ( 2016-09-04 10:28:51 +0200 )edit

Only stars from verified purchases in Amazon:

  1. ⭒(30)
  2. ⭒⭒(8)
  3. ⭒⭒⭒(8)
  4. ⭒⭒⭒⭒(16)
  5. ⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒(24)

So on the average 2,95 stars and strongly dispersed opinions from India.

JoHe ( 2016-09-06 16:23:39 +0200 )edit

5 Answers

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answered 2016-09-04 09:44:59 +0200

YouSirName gravatar image

updated 2016-09-05 10:25:16 +0200

And the reason for getting moderate (poor) rating in fact is very simple. Jolla doesn't have anything appealing compared to other ecosystems. Yet. Jolla fans might argue with me, but that is the bitter truth and that is the reason why Aqua Fish is getting bad ratings and if we wait and see, Sailfish wont make an impact in India, leave aside penetrating the market. I live in the tech hub Bangalore and work for a leading "telecom" (yes, telecom) software giant and nobody who I know is aware of what Sailfish is, and what it has to offer (if at all it has something which would appeal a common user). Nobody cares for the privacy invasion done by Google. In fact least bothered as nobody has got the time for spending for something which didn't affect them yet and probably wouldn't affect them anyways in the future. NOBODY knowingly would buy a phone which doesn't really have a full fledged eco system just to find out the main appealing stuff is Android support. "Support? what? Why can't we buy just an Android device instead?" Would be the thought. "Swipe UI? Who cares unless and until it doesn't work for me as what I had been using?" "Why does apps which require WiFi (for eg.) and software-hardware integration which are designed for Android and are the ones which are used frequently on my Android device doesn't work on Sailfish yet? Why would I buy it then?" Another thought.

And moreover, Intex is a poor brand. Jesus! I myself had never thought I would buy an Intex device in my life. Ever. But see, I own an Aqua Fish now :D Even before, when Jolla decided to sell their first device in India, they chose Snapdeal and people who aren't from N900-Maemo-N9-MeeGo circle weren't even aware that such a device was launched. Fail. And people who aren't from this circle, have bough Aqua Fish and I personally have seen many of them re-selling the device on re-selling platforms like OLX, Quikr etc stating reasons "I bought this phone a month back, I didn't like the OS, so selling it". This kinda comments/reviews come directly from a "common" user, and without being able to convince them, Jolla/Sailfish will remain as it was two years back.

I personally think Jolla/Sailfish would face a tough time making an impact in India, in fact one of the biggest markets in the world. And unless and until they tie up with some real giant, it would remain a dream as the common man in India who aren't very much concerned about Google, privacy and stuff has a lot, lot, in fact a huge option to select devices from, without hurting the pocket.

Sorry, you might disagree with me, but let's wait and watch.

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@YouSirName, you are absolutely right. Although SFOS has something new and intuitive but still they lack some crucial features which are quite necessary for normal users who are not technically strong. Common people do not have time and energy to go through steep learning curve to do day to day works in a mobile phone.The ones who are tech savvy they will open the command prompt and write some linux codes to learn and experiment. They will also use their PC and laptop for the same purpose but is it expected from a normal user? Linux is highly seure but it's way behind Windows which inspite of being vulnerable to Viruses and other threats, is very popular among common users. The reason is SIMPLICITY and USER FRIENDLYNESS. It give common users the feeling that they can learn and do things in a few simple steps. So if Sailfish is to SAIL and FLOURISH ( which is our dream) it has to design it's OS keeping in mind of a normal user. Then only it will be popular among masses. To be successful in business one must target the mass that mostly comprises of lay men. So Jolla and it's developers must listen to the user (our) voice who are using their handsets as test beds and give valuable feedback and ideas regarding the improvement of OS. Any criticism should be also taken as a important suggestion only then a better OS can be developed.

partha9940 ( 2016-09-05 09:58:16 +0200 )edit

@partha9940 ^^ +1. Can't agree more. To add, I find it lame reading comments where in people say SFOS is only/mainly targeted at the developers, tech-savvy and Linux enthusiasts. What? Are they serious? Which company in the universe want their product bought only buy a few hundreds? Who does such kind of a business? People should start using their brains.

YouSirName ( 2016-09-05 10:03:35 +0200 )edit

You can't build an ecosystem in a day and certainly not something with the resources (money) jolla has. The OS is quite there functionality wise. HW sucks which is a problem and that leaves us to apps which are the real problem and its kind of a weird problem. Jolla sadly attracted (mostly since there are some people doing a fine job) the tech savy kind of dev which is quite incapable at producing an app for the average joe to use. Add the fact that devs can't make money from apps and the problem gets bigger.

ApB ( 2016-09-05 14:03:30 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-04 18:18:42 +0200

Thylacine gravatar image

Actually this phone is intended for new Indian Developers and enthusiast who try new things to better suite there needs and its not a commercial phone that could compete with android , IOS, Tizen and Ubuntu touch. If people buy it for a single rudimentary cause for developing the Sailfish OS and its Eco-system, its worth the wait & if you buy this phone thinking that its an android phone, whom shall we blame next!?!?. This phone should be placed somewhere near the study table or a garage for tinkering and to learn how it works , it would be awesome...., if you don't know what I am saying just pick a Flagship android phone that best suits your needs :)

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Agreed :) That's the reason I purchased Aqua Fish. It's like power of Linux in my pocket ;)

bhavin192 ( 2016-09-04 18:41:48 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-04 09:12:45 +0200

dillihifi gravatar image

Actually having used sailfish from the Jolla 1 days I am very disappointed in the way they are going about the required changes. As a lot of practical issues are being faced like

1)you cannot forward an sms 2) emails have their header truncated 3) you cannot add a contact from WhatsApp 4) sharing of contacts is a very cumbersome process 5) file sharing apps are not working, 6) activity logs are not easy to view 7) opening of apps take a bit of time

It is like they are trundling along but they have a lot to cover before they can come as an alternative to the big two. This is in my opinion a great drawback as the company itself is not very clear on what to do. Either they can have full android integration otherwise there should be enough native apps and resolutions to all these issues which must be done in a time bound manner in order that sailfish grows.

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1) Copy–Paste, 2) true, 4) at People open a contact > just a swipe from the top Share, 5) Email works quite well, although it would be nice to integrate Downloads folder and SD-card to the Add attachments menu (share with file browser), 7) you must be very busy :-) just multitask...

It would be nice if you could search and link to those issues here in t.j.c, so we could vote for those.

JoHe ( 2016-09-04 10:43:48 +0200 )edit

@JoHe have raised these issues in tjc since last 1 and half year. It is quite sad that as much as I like the platform these issues are preventing me from using this as a primary phone (I have used Jolla 1 for more than a year and then am using the Intex) there obviously are workarounds for a great many things but in the absence of a smooth user experience however intuitive the platform maybe it cannot become mainstream. Lets hope that sailfish emerges as a viable alternative (though my mind is telling me otherwise ;) )

dillihifi ( 2016-09-04 18:29:25 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-05 13:43:17 +0200

partha9940 gravatar image

@hoschi, first of all I would say sorry to you and all of the members from rest of the world other than India ,if my personal logo has hurt any of you. But in India Swastika is the most auspicious symbol. Any thing good starts with this symbol. So I might have hurt you without knowing your feelings towards Swastika . Now regarding Sailfish and Aquafish , I would like to say that it's not possible to make common people understand that whether a product is suitable for them or not. It's upon the user who decides whether he/she thinks it's for him/her or not. A manufacturer can't decide the fate and acceptability of a product among customers but the reverse is true at least in India . Price is a important factor but if similar and popular options are available at same price then people will go towards those options . Thus only marketing and price is not the decisive factor. Rather quality , ease of use, simplicity ,practicality etc matters more to large mass. If those points are tapped then it's going to appeal to a large volume of customers. Otherwise few enthusiasts and tech savvy are going to purchase it. Then the product will have a tag line " Only for elite and learned who have time to experiment ". In this way atleast business can't be done as far as I understand . Please comment ..

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You didn't hurt me, I'm not taking this personal. Outside the hindu-world it means just pure evil and everything bad you can and cannot imagine.
Regarding the marketing, informing users is difficult as long as you aim for selling as many devices as possible. It is easy, if you inform users to make a well-thought decision in first place. That is possible, with a big Linux-Sticker and the term google free device. But probably this is not what Intex wants.

hoschi ( 2016-09-05 15:01:04 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-05 11:31:36 +0200

hoschi gravatar image

updated 2016-09-05 11:38:04 +0200

I've the half of the users actually don't know what the buy, this is at first place a marketing-issue. So Intex should care about, not Jolla. If you try to fix Sailfish for this kind of users, your doomed to fail and damage the OS. To some degree it is debatable to sell an emerging device or system in India, but Jolla isn't emerging anymore. It is absolutely fine to sell it with a cheap price to a wide audience in India, but marketing has to handle the attracted userbase.

In other words, you don't sell GNU/Linux as an alternative to Windows. Because it is an completely different OS.

@partha9940: I'm not one of this hate-speech-warriors and I know that India is not Europe, but using a swastika as personal logo is at least unjoyus. If I see it my first thought is 'caution nazis!'.

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OT@hoschi You are really touchy!! You should look for the origins of swastika. Its a religious symbol coming from Hindu mythology which your country men have copied!!

From wikipedia: It is also said to represent God (the Brahman) in his universal manifestation, and energy (Shakti). It represents the four directions of the world (the four faces of Brahma). It also represents the Purushartha: Dharma (natural order), Artha (wealth), Kama (desire), and Moksha (liberation).

pavi ( 2016-09-05 12:18:23 +0200 )edit

@pavi Plenty of us in Europe are well aware of the origins of the swastica. But it's unlikely that someone using it on an international forum is unaware of its more recent symbolism. Which is why hoschi's point is valid, and I share it.

DaveRo ( 2016-09-05 12:39:07 +0200 )edit

@pavi: I used the term "swastika" and not "hakenkreuz" because I'm aware of it's (former) meaning. Basically, this is not an ".in"-tld ;)

hoschi ( 2016-09-05 14:44:29 +0200 )edit

The obvious differences in the Nazi Hakenkreuz and the Hindu swastika should be obvious enough to anyone to make the distinction upon seeing one or other in most cases. Those dots and the stylished form really are a giveaway.

The Hindu swastika has no "more recent symbolism" or "(former) meaning" of Nazi kind; it is what it always has been. Internet people insisting on seeing Nazis where there are none are silly people, or the very least not putting enough effort to their dealings, and we shouldn't be bowing to their kind if they choose to go around getting triggered to thinking of Nazis instead of passing a sudden swastika with mere "oh looksy, it's the Hindu one, appropriately enough as the commenter seems to be Indian and everything".

teemu ( 2016-09-06 12:33:55 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-09-04 07:38:07 +0200

Seen: 2,023 times

Last updated: Sep 05 '16