How to send message to a new number on WhatsApp in Intex Aqua Fish?

asked 2016-09-05 18:29:34 +0200

pinkpanther gravatar image

updated 2016-09-05 18:47:24 +0200

kat6 gravatar image

Does Intex aqua fish support sending messages in WhatsApp to a number without first receiving a message from the other number?

I tried to access phone contacts but no use, does adding contact in WhatsApp work?

If yes, could you tell me how?

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Do you have the App access for contacts ticked in settings -> android support ?

leszek ( 2016-09-05 19:52:23 +0200 )edit

thanks for the reply...could you elaborate on that? So we can go to Settings -> Android Support and enable it? thanks.. I'm trying to solve this problem remotely, the phone is at my home with not so tech savvy users.

pinkpanther ( 2016-09-05 20:08:39 +0200 )edit

One thing is they told, that they tried inviting contacts then all contacts appeared in the whatsapp now.

pinkpanther ( 2016-09-05 20:19:22 +0200 )edit