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What are the current Jolla's projects or progress ?

asked 2016-09-10 11:14:15 +0200

Pavel Soldar gravatar image

updated 2016-09-10 11:27:57 +0200

What next ?

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Seriously, though, https://sailfishos.org/roadmap/ and https://sailfishos.org/developmentroadmap/ are not updated anymore. They are probably one of the victims of last December's cuts and firings. And Android has already beaten Jolla on time with split-screen multitasking.

Federico ( 2016-09-11 12:51:32 +0200 )edit

I wasn't aware that Android will support split screen multitasking (with the Nougat release). Jolla's multitasking was one of their USPs, although I think it was a bit overestimated, especially without split screen. Now this is gone. So where are we heading? I still think that Jolla's UI is the best. Can this be enough to attract paying customers?

Stefanix ( 2016-09-11 14:35:47 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2016-09-10 21:11:45 +0200

Marius gravatar image

It would be nice if some phone is available in Europe (officially) in some time... :-)

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I'm interested in new hardware also. I still have jolla 1 !

fblm ( 2016-09-12 10:44:13 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-11 14:23:48 +0200

pavi gravatar image

updated 2016-09-11 14:27:31 +0200

There is actually a tag called RoadMap Discussionhttps://together.jolla.com/questions/scope:all/sort:activity-desc/tags:roadmap-discussion/page:1/ which discusses the future. The recently well updated post with answers from Jolla employees especially the community incharge @james is https://together.jolla.com/question/115416/request-for-roadmap-2016-and-a-huge-thanks-for-the-earlier/

Overall the latest comment/answer is

but responsible people are now on their summer holiday :(

Wait for holidays to finish!

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Asked: 2016-09-10 11:14:15 +0200

Seen: 1,265 times

Last updated: Sep 11 '16