Situations app stopped to work
Yes, Situations app won`t work any more in Jolla 1 with 2.02.51. No help after several delete-load cycles from Jolla Kauppa. Not any reaction. The app doesn't open and work suddently anymore. Looking not so forward to if same happens with Jolla C. What else shall inactivate, too?
It's working as usual on my Jolla 1 with, you could start it via the terminal (
till ( 2016-09-15 17:26:58 +0200 )editharbour-situations2application
) to look for error messagesOn Monday: My Jolla 1 received update for Situation App just in the morning. And now it works. Thank you Pastilli Lab. And thank you till for your help, again.
N9Sailfish ( 2016-09-19 08:08:13 +0200 )edit