carddav : great calendar dont run, but smal one run ?

asked 2016-09-16 17:46:16 +0200

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updated 2016-09-16 17:49:50 +0200

Runningtrilo gravatar image

Hallo Jolla,

my 4 calendars (webdav server Synology DS212+ via myfritz) are running very well.

But one of these, the biggest one, didnt appear after reinstall in the calenderlist and in the calendar-app. Only a very short appearing in the first comming in the calender-apps-menue calendar-administration.

In the jolla-account-menue appears these calendar like the other as active.

Exist any limit to the quantity of calendar-entrys ?

Schönen Gruß Hubertus

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Hi, there shouldn't be any limit to the number of calendars which can be synced via CalDAV, however it may be that a bug in the CalDAV plugin prevents it from synchronising your calendar in this case. If you can provide more information (e.g., logs of sync) the issue can be investigated further.


1) ensure /etc/systemd/journald.conf has RateLimitBurst=5000 and RateLimitInterval=5s then reboot if required

2) restart msyncd with more debugging enabled:

 systemctl --user stop msyncd
 killall msyncd
 MSYNCD_LOGGING_LEVEL=8 devel-su -p msyncd

3) leave that running, open a new ssh terminal and collect logs:

 devel-su journalctl -af | grep caldav

4) trigger a sync with CalDAV account.

Send the logs to chris dot adams at jolla dot com after you've redacted any personal information.


chris.adams ( 2016-09-19 05:31:39 +0200 )edit

I send my sync-logs and nothing unusualy.

Just i lose confidence in a practicaly solution and i reset the phone to factory-settings. After an evening with several sailfish-updates / installing my apps and opening my accounts the phone operate proper.

Runningtrilo ( 2017-05-05 17:32:49 +0200 )edit