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Sailfish OS needs developer contest [released]

asked 2016-09-22 13:00:19 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

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updated 2016-09-22 13:00:19 +0200

Macilaci457 gravatar image


Sailfish OS need a developer contest!

  • It should encourage new and active developers to support Sailfish OS
  • It should show developers how to implement beautiful looking apps for Sailfish OS
  • It should show users that a Sailfish OS app should not look like a terminal emulator
  • (most SFOS apps look the same, and lack of GUI, no, text in a scrollable list is not GUI)
  • It should also have categories like icon sets (I have seen beautiful ones).
  • And It should have grand prices offered by community!

Grand prices like free tickets, wine, other services or gear could be offered by community. My offer would be: a bottle of fine Hungarian vine delivered to the winner's address within EU

Please show Your support (vote up), and if You are a developer, tell us your thoughts please. I would also appreciate a feedback from Jolla about this.

Also It's a community wiki, so add Your ideas.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "released in a software update" by nthn
close date 2017-03-06 14:15:10.773050


Nice idea. People add more incentives. Keep the ideas coming.

pavi ( 2016-09-23 03:42:18 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2016-09-22 13:03:52 +0200

chemist gravatar image

updated 2016-10-05 17:05:14 +0200

A Developer Contest is roadmapped by Maemo for this year, incl. but not limited to SailfishOS. More info on maemo.org soon so stay tuned!

I will follow this thread for more info and point our staff here too.

UPDATE: https://together.jolla.com/question/147145/ official Call for Donations

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answered 2016-09-22 13:08:53 +0200

coderus gravatar image

In Russia we have http://fruct.org/ This organization making awesome sfos events for developers.

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coderus have you ever considered to work directly for the jolla company? i think you could do great stuff

itdoesntmatt ( 2016-09-22 15:05:58 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2016-09-22 13:00:19 +0200

Seen: 659 times

Last updated: Oct 05 '16