Some ambiences make the Home-Status not well visible
Hello everybody,
i remarked that with some ambiances the status icons and clock are not so visible with the Lime, snow white and Aloe ambiances.
The Ambiances are on top so clear, that with the white color of the status we could not see it.
It is for me really difficult for those ambiences to check the clock, the bluetooth, the 3g icon and the reception one
Is it possible to make for those ambiances an other status color or on the ambiances directly a darker band smoothly ( with a kind of darker scaled band with some transparency)?
Here i give some screenshot. They are bigger here than on a device screen, so that status bar is more visible than reality:
Still actual by v
Have good sail all. Cheers
@cemoi71, I took the liberty of reducing your images, making the page load quicker, especially for mobile users :)
Spam Hunter ( 2016-10-10 02:02:59 +0200 )edit@Markkyboy that's all fine...
cemoi71 ( 2016-10-10 10:13:10 +0200 )editI didn't thought about it. thank you very much
Another attempt at finding some middle ground for status bar dimming; using
and transparency, allowing the theme wallpaper to still be seen, not perfect and not greatly different from the normal gradient, but this uses a little splash of 'theme colour'.....apparently ;)I've played about til the wee hours of the morning and this is the best I've come up with so far! :D
Side by side as a comparison (mine, then yours)...
Certainly more readable, but not exactly ......attractive?
Okay, to follow on, as requested....still working on the same file (StatusBar.qml).
Line 19 of StatusBar.qml originally looks like this;
We need to change the line to this;
Now to the gradient area of StatusBar.qml, (line 29) which originally looks like this;
Needs to look this....
Spam Hunter ( 2016-10-10 17:18:40 +0200 )editWhy, sure! The point is, those images were built for SFOS 1.0 initially, where everything was a bit different. :) Now, as we have all that tiny information gathered at the top, the background images need to be prepared, too. It would be marvellous if we could get modifications like yours via system update.
lakutalo ( 2016-10-10 17:48:31 +0200 )edit@Markkyboy seems to be interesting. Looks good. But that is a little bit complicated to represent me what you've changed on parameters.
cemoi71 ( 2016-10-10 18:07:56 +0200 )editcould you please bring the values that you have used/changed. Maybe in a form that we could compare the left pic with the right one? (for example... pic left val1=N val2=n2 vs pic right Val1=n1 val2=2).
I would like use the same parameters as yours later. I noticed that feeling take an other form on a desktop display , comparing to the device one.
Otherwise, seems that the snow white got a status bar shadow with a light blue-pitch right?
I didn't knew that you are still on experimenting on it.
I think i'll give here what i experimented on my side, which satisfied me