Jolla Tablet Refund Part 2 [not a question]

asked 2016-11-02 12:28:44 +0200

Dave999 gravatar image

updated 2016-11-02 16:32:31 +0200

nthn gravatar image

jolla has so far honored the deal and gave us an option to donate or receive refund of half the money. Still we're missing the second part.

Anyone know the finical situation and if the look to complete D-round soon or if they still have millions left?

I think they could cover the second refund option with the donations from the first part with it comes down to how they operate.

It would be nice with some info from jolla since its still a crowedfunding project and we Are the crowed. Hope to see something here or on the blog soon.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "not a real question" by nthn
close date 2016-11-02 23:40:05.576086



do you ever get tired of complaining?

virgi26 ( 2016-11-02 12:55:38 +0200 )edit

This is not complaining. look at it the other way. How can jolla change it to an opportunity. As I see it more of a question and reality check. Nothing bad, nothing good. Just status.

Dave999 ( 2016-11-02 13:03:55 +0200 )edit

Oh, look! They've already told how the process goes on April 21st!

I only got a partial refund, but I want all my money back (now). Why only half of the refund amount? When will I get the other half?

Jolla aims to refund the total contribution, including shipping and all accessories. Due to financial constraints this will occur in two parts: half of the refund will be remitted early Q2 2016, and, Jolla’s financial situation permitting, the other half within a year of remitting the first part.

Edit: Here's the blog post: Jolla Blog.

raketti ( 2016-11-02 15:31:38 +0200 )edit

Yes. They stated that already the 28th of feb. no issue there. The question is more status. Do they expect to have the money at the end of feb or is still unknown. Maybe they have decided to not to refund their supporters and take the money. Who knows, but a comment would be appreciated.

Dave999 ( 2016-11-02 16:34:45 +0200 )edit

Do you read? Or don't you just understand what you read...

Jolla’s financial situation permitting, the other half within a year of remitting the first part.

So the first refunds have now been sent, so still there's (at most) a year to be waited for the next round.

Maybe they have decided to not to refund their supporters and take the money.

Seriously? Go and shout your FUD somewhere else.

raketti ( 2016-11-02 21:43:48 +0200 )edit