SDcard ext4 format function doesn't work
Hello sailors,
i have a new card as 64gb, and wanted to reformat it.
Since Aurajoki it is possible to use this function under settings/storage/memory card/
But it don't works with me.
If i go on this point of settings, i see that the card is not accessible because of exfat format ('til now is quite normal).
Then i pull on it and have options format
and New directory
Then Under Format i have just a button delete all files
. And doing it make nothing more. Null
No format the card or other things.
I represented myself that i may reformat my card with different format that are possible to choose.
Format like ext4 or btrfs, as long as it's still possible to have access on it with mtp.
Have someone any experience on it with this function?
Is it a bug or an hidden feature?
What are the limitations of this function concretely. (all type of format are spared if sd>64gb? or just exfat?)
Edit: Manually done in CLI mode (trough ssh usb), i made:
cd /dev/disk/by-id/
ls -la
cd /dev/disk/by-uuid/
ls -la
To verify/recognise the memory card on the system (mmcblk1p1
Then Inspiring from chemist tutorial here (use eventually devel-su
before each commands if its not recognized or asked for root):
umount /dev/mmcblk1p1
- unmount the card
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1
- format the card
mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /media/sdcard
- mount the card
Then the root of the sdcard is visible but not accessible.
We should give the mount point the correct owner (nemo) in developer mode.
chown nemo:nemo /opt/alien/media/sdcard -R
Should create some directories with devel-su:
chown -R nemo:nemo .directory/
chmod -R a=rwX .directory/
Works fine with MTP further. :-)
I ask me why then, why this Formatting function not present different kind of formatting systems...
PS: Please give feedback if something don't work by the commands above.
Maybe some more commands are needed to reach the goal.
And that could help for any improvement of the interface and/or this topic.
Many thanks in advance.
Maybe the SDcard settings functions only play nice with FAT-filesystems and you have to use console or other device to format other filesystems?
avhakola ( 2016-11-03 16:31:35 +0200 )maybe. but if the gui display the possibility to use it, then at the basis it should works. or not because of a bug, or because of an unknown feature or case.
cemoi71 ( 2016-11-03 16:49:06 +0200 )You need ti try do this manually, in Terminal app with root rights. Terminal app like all others linux distros have built in commands like lsblk. with lsblk you can find your sdcard name you want work with. the next step is use command fdisk. Hope this helps!
sa1l0 ( 2016-11-03 16:51:18 +0200 )if using gui you dont have possibility to choose filesystem type from list, then gui capavilities is very limited, till one option/file type. as exfat does not officialy support more than 32gb, thats because you cannot format its error, if you want use 64gb, you need to use Terminal.
sa1l0 ( 2016-11-03 16:56:56 +0200 )surely i can do that, i think i can experiment until the end of month. What i expected, is that the gui present me different kind of format.
cemoi71 ( 2016-11-03 18:36:11 +0200 )no one knows what it does... that's great.