Local applications for Russia
asked 2016-11-14 16:16:49 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
We all know that the future of SailfishOS kind of rests on Russia. There is a new phone coming(soon) and there are also russia based SFOS workshops which are going on. Aquafish was released in India and there was feedback collected for Indian based apps and hope that this thread does the same.
What are the most wanted apps for Russia? Are there any special apps which russians use in their daily life?
Please add to the below list:
- VK Chat (supported by Kat ✔️ )
- VK Music (supported by separate app and Kat ✔️ )
- VK Sync (supported natively ✔️)
- VK Communities
Telegram ( Sailorgram ✔️)
Web services
- Yandex.Disk (WebDAV)
- Yandex.Market
- Yandex.Maps
- Yandex.Music
- Yandex.Transport (incl. Yandex.Metro)
Mail.ru Cloud
Russian Post
- Alpha-Bank
- Bank Saint-Petersburg
- Promsvyazbank
- Rocketbank
- Raffeisen Bank
- Sberbank
- Tinkoff Bank
- Qiwi
- Yandex.Money
- Old Slavic Keyboard
- Swype Keyboard or Russian layout for OKboard
- Aerofloat
- Flyuia
You wrote vk chat (supported), but I think "suppotted" means chatting via stock messenger app and with presence status available... Like Facebook chat was...
Schturman ( 2016-11-14 17:48:21 +0200 )edit@schturman Yes VK chat is supported via the app Kat .
I used the app and its limited in functionality to
- Check out profiles
- Chat
- Music
pavi ( 2016-11-14 23:59:21 +0200 )editUnfortunately, I find Kat is pretty unusable.
Marzanna ( 2016-11-18 07:13:16 +0200 )edit