Can't find android support [answered]
Recently, I have installed Sailfish OS on my Fairphone 2. It's a very cool thing! I would like to install the Android Support - but I can't find it. It should be available in the Jolla Store, isn't it? However, I found nothing in the store by typing "Android Support".
Thank you for your help!
Android Support is like Microsoft Exchange Active Sync and XT9 Text Prediction - commecial parts, which are only on the official SailfishOS Devices. Fairphone 2 has a very good and stable SailfishOS Port, but its still not official. We all are waiting, that Jolla will release the commercial parts of SailfishOS (including Alien Dalvik) in their Jolla Store as paid apps.
ExPLIT ( 2017-01-18 20:03:47 +0200 )editHmmm, hard to wait, when you need access to your MS Exchange Calendar - back to FP Open OS, then?
unaegeli ( 2017-05-01 18:28:58 +0200 )edit