Timer feature to pause music being streamed.
It would be fantastic if currently playing music could be paused upon completion of tiner sequence within standard Clock SFOS app.
I believe iOS has that feature and its quite handy, say after timer pause music so you can skeep, pause music so you know your done exercising etc.
I can give more use cases.
There is an app Slumber which might meet your requiremens.
Rikujolla ( 2017-01-19 05:48:56 +0200 )editThanks, Rikujolla! As the creator of slumber, I really hope it does. ;) If it does not, please head over to https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=96093 and tell me what's wrong. It supports pausing most music/streaming/whatever apps, even some android players. Note: Normally, the most recent version is available on Openrepos, but it's available from jolla store, as well.
velox ( 2017-01-22 17:43:49 +0200 )edit