Make legacy browser available through Jolla store

asked 2017-01-30 12:52:59 +0200

Nekron gravatar image

The long awaited and much appreciated Gecko engine update brought to us with SailfishOS 2.0.4 last year caused many problems with flickering screens, browser crashing, bad performance and non-responsiveness browser control UI.

I like to ask JollaHQ if it would be feasible to put the previous browser version into official Jolla store so that there would be a choice for us to selecte the stable, but legacy version or if needed the current Sailfish browser until the serious bugs are ironed out and the legacy version can be removed from store?

I know that there are alternative Webkit-based browsers like Webpirate, however Gecko is the official SFOS engine and used 90% of my time when browsing around.

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