text editing in browser is lacking features
Placing the cursor in a text field on a web page brings up the keyboard, but writing text here is very crippled, because it doesn't go into proper editing mode, just four plain rows of keys. This means:
- predictions turned off (fixed in update 10)
- no zoom-in cursor placement
- no clipboard (copy/paste) (paste added in update 10, still no copy)
I'm guessing this was done because of wanting to keep the page visible while typing instead of covering the whole screen with a text editor, and maybe it's difficult to program the full-featured text editor into the browser? IMO that is too high a price to pay, reverting to vkb from the stone age just for keeping the page visible. Trying to write out a post like this on a web page just makes you want to put yr Jolla away, and so does using webmail.
I'd love to see the directional arrows (like in FingerTerm) in the default VKB. It's practically impossible to edit text in a textarea (such as the one where I am writing right now) when you can't go back to anything that scrolled out of sight. Well, other than deleting everything with backspace.
typo ( 2014-01-16 15:39:36 +0200 )edittypo, you can request arrow keys for the keyboard here: https://together.jolla.com/question/4069/del-and-cursor-arrows-on-keyboard-are-needed-essential/ However that is about what the keyboard should be like generally. This thread is about how text editing is done in the browser.
bennypr0fane ( 2014-01-16 16:07:02 +0200 )editin browser and email application as of release.
DarkTuring ( 2016-10-27 06:17:28 +0200 )edit@DarkTuring, totally not. Nothing has changed here.
bennypr0fane ( 2016-11-29 15:50:40 +0200 )edit