[question] Android Dalvik (Internal not Alien Dalvik) wakeup [answered]
asked 2017-04-02 17:28:16 +0200
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Hi, all is it possible to wake up android 5.1 underlying (correct me if i'm wrong) Jolla C / Aqua Fish, just like sfdroid, may be in future , bcoz i have less hopes on official update of Android to 5.1 at least which became the minimum requirement for few important app. Thank you.
The Android version underlying Jolla C / Aqua Fish is already 5.1, as you can check e. g. running AIDA64. Unfortunately it won't help running Android 5.1 apps since they run on Alien Dalvik which is currently at 4.4.4.
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2017-04-03 10:05:08 +0200 )edit