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moon phase in notifications

asked 2017-04-11 08:14:29 +0200

Marius gravatar image

updated 2017-04-11 08:57:57 +0200

Is there any way to put moon phase in the notification area or in calendar? Or maybe there is a nice moon phase application for sailfish? Mar

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Good idea. I also thought about the same earlier.

Mohit ( 2017-04-11 08:58:18 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2017-04-11 11:13:48 +0200

paolomi gravatar image

There is an advanced app: AstroCalc. https://openrepos.net/content/kif/astrocalc

Moon phase is on the bottom of the picture image description

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answered 2017-04-11 13:25:46 +0200

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updated 2017-04-11 13:27:51 +0200

_ _ _ _ T A _ _ _ _ gravatar image

I think you ought to see MoonCalc by Michał Jeż here http://my-meego.com/software/applications.php?name=MoonCalc&faq=32&fldAuto=1403 which has been developed years already. It was to be ported to Sailfish and the only problem was the author could not buy any Sailfish device AFIK from his posts. If you have a look at those screens you will see what "notifications" about Moon can mean and what a tool this is.

BTW.: If anyone would have a Jolla C and would want to sell/give/pass it into a really good hands then please consider good developer the author of MoonCalc, and then I suppose Sailfish ecosystem pretty soon will increase and will reach more brilliant pieces of software. Also because a new place with Sailfish software will appear.

PS. & Explanation: We don't know each other, he is not my friend, relative, boss, we don't have any business relations etc. etc.. He, like many of MeeGo enthusiasts, hasn't got enough of luck to get any Sailfish device, so could not continue development of his projects for Sailfish - and that is a pity and big lost for all community/customers. Providing to him a Jolla C or any Sailfish device will start development and availability of outstanding Sailfish software IMHO. If Jolla, or somebody in Jolla, would have a not needed Sailfish device good enough for the good developer and would like to male a good thing for whole community and MeeGo Sailfish ecosystem - please consider my suggestion above.

See also here: http://my-meego.com/software/category.php?name=Astronomy&fldAuto=32 for other similar creations, software that deserved to be ported to Sailfish IMHO.

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A bit puzzled as Michal Jerz of my-symbian.com lists Jolla under his devices and was apparently a little disappointed as never heard about recent Maemo coding competition until after it had closed. As there is still not facility for paid apps in Jolla Store, I can't see what incentive he would have to port application to Sailfish currently.

aspergerguy ( 2017-04-11 14:10:57 +0200 )edit

Perhaps he mentioned Jolla as "must have" or he has got one already. A time ago in his post at forum I've read his sad claim that he wanted to buy but had no possibility, and that hold him from porting to Sailfish. I also doubt he has one because, if he would have there would be a ported MoonCalc I think. A "little disappointment" is an euphemistic evaluation I think, and quite not informing is not quite fair also. And another factor that make me to believe he don't have Jolla, otherwise would visit Maemo for reading/posting. There were no way to visit Maemo and not to see that competition invitation. So, seems to me he was not there for quite a longer time - had nothing to discuss without Jolla device.

Incentive - you see, one don't create such sophisticated SW as MoonCalc because of massive crowds requests for this from internet, but just because knows how to do it and shares with knowledge and hobby. I respect his knowledge and passion, and I would like to see at his sites Sailfish apps.

Also I think MJ could allow selling apps for devs at his sites/services, sooner then jolla at harbour - if he would want this and would have possibility of basic verification e.g. try at own device if a particular software can be launched (if would have own device).

Anyway: please note all above are my suppositions only, and may be very different from reality actual.

_ _ _ _ T A _ _ _ _ ( 2017-04-11 15:19:23 +0200 )edit

It is possible that I may be able to provide Jolla 1 with TOHKBD (Qwerty) or Intex AquaFish for such a worthy recipient, although whether inclusion of Lithium battery would cause problems sending to Poland from UK I know not. I am user aspergerguy upon TMO and can always be contacted via PM = Personal Message there should MJ be interested.

aspergerguy ( 2017-04-11 15:39:14 +0200 )edit

Hi guys, _ _ _ _ T A _ _ _ _ informed me about this discussion so I thought I'd explain it myself.

I did port my apps to SFOS already in early 2013 when the first SDK alpha release came out. One of my apps (SunCalc) was even included in Marc Dillon's public presentation of Sailfish OS in early 2013, as only a few apps existed at that time. Then I made another effort and re-ported all the apps again to Qt5 when they switched to it. Since then (4 years in total) all the apps have been catching dust on my hard disk. Not only there's no support for paid apps i.e. no place to offer them, but additionally a number of Qt libs/modules my apps require were not allowed in Harbour (until very recently, or maybe some of them still aren't - I've lost interest in it so I haven't checked it for some time). In the meantime, I kept requesting them to add support for paid apps to the store dozens of times (on this site, on the developers mailinglist, in emails sent to Jolla, etc), to no avail. No one even bothered to respond since 2014 or so.

Similarly, already in late 2012 I wanted to launch a website supporting and promoting Jolla and Sailfish OS. At that time the other sites I was running (My-Symbian, My-Maemo, My-MeeGo) still had tens of thousands of visitors, so it was a huge user base to take advantage of in order to promote Sailfish OS and the Jolla brand and convince Symbian and MeeGo users (who were then searching for a new platform for themselves after Symbian/MeeGo were killed) to switch to Jolla. I tried to establish contact with Jolla and even got in direct touch with Marc Dillon a few times, but it didn't result in anything. They simply didn't care. So I gave up on that, too.

Jolla has never done absolutely anything to attract any developers (or even to keep those banging at their door and wanting to make apps for SFOS) or to show any interest to large online communities like what mine used to be. I was offering them to promote their platform and brand to (then still) tens of thousands of visitors, and they didn't care at all. So all those visitors just slowly vanished to nearly zero, most probably switched to Android instead. Same for developers. I knew lots of Symbian devs (a Qt platform like SFOS, with apps portable within hours) who wanted to quickly port their apps to Jolla after Symbian died, but all of them eventually gave up after months or years of waiting for even just any meaningful statement about whether there are any plans to ever add support for paid apps. The results of which is that SFOS after 3 years since its launch has a HANDFUL of (mostly purely hobbyistic) developers making native apps for it, and several hundred of native apps in total, i.e. ten times less than what even the ultra-niche Nokia N9 got in one year (but it had the Nokia store, so at least there was any incentive for developers to make apps for it).

Well, that's it. I've tried really hard to support this platform but all my attempts over the past 4 years went do /dev/null. I might release all my apps for SFOS in the future, but only if there is a normal app store like on all other platforms. As for now, Jolla discouraged me (and many other developers I know) COMPLETELY by not giving us even just a HOPE that they intend to ever change it. I don't know how much longer they want to fully rely on that aging Android 4.x runtime, but they will never be able to upgrade it to any newer Android version because Google doesn't allow it (for the same reason it was never upgraded on BB10). So it is a dead end, because in a year or so Android 4.x will be pre-history.

my-jolla ( 2017-04-12 15:44:11 +0200 )edit

Thanks to your positive attitude aspergerguy, I have contacted MJ. Shortly after a long conversation, it looks like this. When it turned out that there would be no phone for developers, he bought Jolla1. So you were right. But when it turned out that there are no paid apps and Qt has been changed from 4 to 5 but so-so incompletely, he sold it. So I was right also. Then software was developed for BlueBerry, added SuperMoons, eclipses, rises, downs, and just the information in BB's notifications – which you wanted. Now BB is going down when its own system has been abandoned just like Nokia with MeeGo. Another disappointment. Now he has decided to wait until payments, and then he is willing to put effort, time and energy into adjusting MoonCalc, along with what has been added in the meantime to its software, to the current version of Sailfish, having hope for an income. Having family it is hard to work just glory, but without payments for the job. The code is ready, further developed, and the needed adjustments are probably a matter of days to weeks. A physical device is needed to, among other things, check (a) the accelerometer gyro in determining the angle of inclination of the screen relative to the horizon (b) of the geolocation data to determine the location of the observer. E.g. the Pathfinder app draws the route of the particular object in the sky using the above data. If this does not work properly then the user will have a legitimate claim and regret to the developer. The code can be partially correct in the emulated Sailfish in the SDK but it is not possible to test the sensors and correct the findings. E.g. an Moon/Sun eclipse depends on observer's Geo-location. Your willingness to help is very much appreciated, but MoonCalc and about 20 applications have to wait for payments and Sailfish stabilize. Thanks to you for your great help aspergerguy.

_ _ _ _ T A _ _ _ _ ( 2017-04-12 16:26:45 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2017-04-11 08:14:29 +0200

Seen: 627 times

Last updated: Apr 12 '17