Play Store App Issue in Intex Aqua fish

asked 2017-05-01 11:23:02 +0300

dreamer gravatar image

updated 2017-05-07 05:04:59 +0300

With reference to this question is their any alternate working method other then downgrading the Play Store app. I have downgraded Play Store app using inbuilt Aptoide app from version 7.7.31 to 7.3.25 followed by (internet off) creating new file in /data/app folder using terminal with root access typing below commands:

 touch /data/app/

 chattr +i /data/app/

Even though above method of downgrading works(which also prevents automatic update of Play Store App) for me but I am left with the old version of Play Store App.Is there any other alternate method to keep using latest version of Play Store App in Intex Aqua Fish?.

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so why did you created separate question for this at all?

coderus ( 2017-05-01 15:21:44 +0300 )edit

@coderus Previous question is mainly related to "download pending" issue which can be solved by above method(downgrading and changing the attribute) but my question is there any other working method to keep using latest version of Play Store App instead being stuck with old version.

dreamer ( 2017-05-01 17:52:18 +0300 )edit

@dreamer should be impossible, because now JollaC or Aquafish is uncertified for use google store

TMavica ( 2017-05-01 19:00:09 +0300 )edit

If later versions blocking you why you want to install them? And My Playstore auto update is also blocked by simply creating folder in /Data/App in alien folder.

p_pahare ( 2017-05-01 19:03:17 +0300 )edit

@TMavica even in version 7.3.25 my device is listed as uncertified but I'm able to download updates without any problem unlike in version 7.7.31 which shows download pending error.

dreamer ( 2017-05-01 20:46:44 +0300 )edit