Where to go for Oneplus X help?
I bought a OnePlus X which is running Android 5.1.1 security patch 1st April 2016 Oxygen version 2.2.1-x. I have the sailfish image for the phone, but the Pneplus X fastloader doesn't seem to like the size of the image.
Workstation is Linux. Have the latest fastboot utility and have tried various versions of twrp with no success. Clockwork mods appears to require root these days, and Cyanogen tools have vanished from the web. I just get 404 trying to get their boot loaders.
Every time I've tried to fastboot boot with the various twrp images, it still reboots in to the OnePlus fastboot loader which doesn't seem to like the size of the sailfish images.
The confusing thing is that fastboot doesn't return an error. It's as if fastboot thinks the process has gone perfectly fine... which it obviously hasn't. Also, a fastboot boot results in fastboot thinking it's fine, but the phone doesn't actually reboot. Two separate computers have been used, and multiple USB cables.
I'm at a brick wall.
Suggest you head over to this forum:link text but you don't mention installation of base Android:link text
aspergerguy ( 2017-05-06 22:01:12 +0200 )editTry to get TWRP installed first. I have twrp-3.0.2-0-onyx.img on my OnePlus X (with SFOS running fine). See instructions at https://twrp.me/devices/oneplusx.html (Fastboot Install Method (No Root Required)). In particular, pay attention to "Note many devices will replace your custom recovery automatically during first boot..." . As soon as you have TWRP installed, all else is very simple (assuming that you don't hit a bug on newest onyx devices). I cannot tell what's a version of my onyx, SFOS was installed too fast to check out these settings.
Good luck!
rinigus ( 2017-05-06 23:39:27 +0200 )editThanks! Have managed to update to 6.0.1 and then it was possible to get Blu Spark on. However, the images of Cyanogen, 12.1-20160201 are android 5, so have taken a break for the night, before tomorrow attempting to unwind to an older stock (which hopefully won't wipe blu spark) before then getting cyanogen on as a base, and then SFOS on top of that.
msknight ( 2017-05-06 23:55:29 +0200 )editIf I remember correctly, 6.0.1 would bring you a new bootloader that's incompatible with the SFOS images for Onyx. So, you would have to get back to 5.x indeed. But its all worth the effort - onyx SFOS port and its hardware are just a great combination!
rinigus ( 2017-05-07 07:25:49 +0200 )editThat is the ultimate question, which 5.x image to return to, that would not then overwrite blu spark and put us back at square one.
msknight ( 2017-05-07 09:33:26 +0200 )edit