Please help me understand Sailfish OS community ports in terms of stability, officialness, security updates! Not as clear as LineageOS
asked 2017-05-29 14:41:21 +0200
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On the LineageOS site, it's crystal clear
1. Which devices do the community officially support (theoretically, by hardware) 2. Which of the (theoretically, by hardware) supported devices are actively maintained, receive regular, OTA updates this day
I didn't have to ask anyone to be sure. The design makes it clear. What's the situation related to this with Sailfish OS?
3.With Sailfish OS? It's a little bit more complicated. I even have to ask about it, to be clear. As of writing, the community wiki page lists the following:
Port Now Available - See Wiki for Details
- Motorola Moto G 1st Edition 2013
- Sony Xperia Z3 Compact Tablet
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1" Wi-Fi
- Motorola Moto E 2015 edition
- Mozilla Flame (alpha)
- Nexus 4
It also links to with a lot more devices listed. [confused]
4.I even got into this conversation: I still don't 100% understand this situation.
5. The bottom line is: with LineageOS, I can be pretty sure which devices are supported (theoretically, by hardware), and which of the supported devices receive OTA updates these day with the official seal of approval of the LineageOS team. Sure, anyone can make an unofficial port over there at XDA of any OS, but that's a different story.
I need a little more explanation to understand which Sailfish OS community ports can be considered as stable or at least as official, not the least as up to date with security fixes as LineageOS ports in the parallel universe. To complicate things a little, Jolla also sells devices with Sailfish OS here and there. How does the Sailfish OS shipped with Jolla devices compare to the Sailfish OS hacked by the community to Android hardware, in terms of stability, frequency of security updates and bug fixes, long term support?
I can even think of a scenario where the Android port receive updates longer or receives bug fixes more frequently by the community than a Jolla device by the company. After Jolla stopped supporting a device, the community may pick up supporting it, or not. I don't know how hackable these devices are. Or, will Jolla support the devices they sold as long as the hardware permits? No planned obsolescence whatsoever? Or I could get it all wrong.
I accidentally ticked the "community wiki" box. I want to cancel it. What to do? This is just a normal question.
Side ( 2017-05-29 14:42:37 +0200 )editYou simply cannot change back to normal question. Sorry, if this causes any pain. Welcome to TJC, again. ;)
lakutalo ( 2017-05-29 15:34:44 +0200 )edit