Showmax Android app does not play movies
Showmax app does not play any movies (shows black screen with circle in the middle) but plays previews/trailers without any problems (also with subtitles).
Showmax support suggest to enable compatibility option in settings, but Alien Dalvik do not have such options afaik. This is "official fix" for such behavior so should work.
This reeks of DRM (digital restriction management). Trailers and previews are usually not encumbered with those anti-features, which might be the reason these play without problem. Google has its own DRM, Widevine, which is added in API 18, so it almost certainly wouldn't work on Jolla phone anyway.
Also, it might depend on Google Play Services, which thankfully aren't installed on Sailfish (nor officially allowed, for that matter).
Fuzzillogic ( 2018-08-25 03:13:26 +0200 )edit