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Jolla C Recovery mode, telnet times out

asked 2017-07-30 04:57:25 +0200

pbhat gravatar image


I am using Intex AquaFish.Version was still at 2.0.5( was it 2.5 ?) when it fell into a boot loop.I see INTEX and sailfish os logo, but nothing further happens.

Before the boot loop,I was receiving a message about disk space low. But there is a SD card in the phone. So,I ignored it.

I have read about the recovery processes of Jolla1 and JollaC. I am a Linux user and comfortable with command line. I am running Opensuse.

I removed cable,battery. Held down VolUp button and ENTER while re-inserting battery till it vibrates and the message 'Recovery mode,connect USB cable and telnet to' appears.I have issued telnet command on my terminal, it times out.

I have tried ,'telnet' and 'telnet 23' , both the commands time out.

NOW,how to get to Recovery Menu ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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hmm. I have 2 HDD with Ubuntu 16.04LTS. I had "Time out" for one and OK for other. I don't understand why. I see only one difference for this moment: kernel 4.4.0-87 for first and kernel 4.4.0-81 for second.

Oleg ( 2017-07-30 10:55:01 +0200 )edit

Hope you have seen my own answer to the question.

Jolla device offers an ethernet over usb.If your end of this ethernet is not configured with an IP address,telnet times out.

pbhat ( 2017-07-31 14:08:02 +0200 )edit

I swithced to other USB port and removed the IR mouse dongle I had in one to get it successfully done after the first failed attempt.

teemu ( 2017-08-01 08:13:08 +0200 )edit

@pbhat. Yes. I configured ethernet and it's OK after that. Thanks.

Oleg ( 2017-08-01 18:49:44 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2017-07-30 06:23:29 +0200

pbhat gravatar image

I could connect to recovery mode via telnet once I figured out there is an ethernet device over USB.

The recovery mode offers an ethernet connection over usb.Also there seems to be a DHCP server on Jolla C side. Though the guides imply it, nowhere this detail is explicitly mentioned. If the available guides mentioned it upfront, to a knowledgeable user, other details in the guides become unnecessary.

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Once in reccovery mode, I could use the 'shell' feature to use command line to backup data, delete un-necessary data and reboot the phone. Yes,my phone is working now.

pbhat ( 2017-07-30 06:56:50 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2017-07-30 04:57:25 +0200

Seen: 451 times

Last updated: Jul 30 '17