Buy Sailfish X for a different phone
Well like already said in the headline, I would buy Sailfish X already now, in hope that there will be an Xperia compact device available soon, if I would be sure, that I can use it for later ports. I'm not really interested in the Xperia X itself. But I would like to have Sailfish on a smaller device.
Jolla stated, that they will port Sailfish to further devices, if the Sailfish X sales are good. The problem is, that i think that there are many users like me, which will not buy Sailfish X because they are waiting for a compact model. That's bad, because that would mean, that the sales are not as successful as they could be. And that could mean that Jolla thinks it isn't worth to port it to further devices.
I simply don't have enough money to spend it now for an Xperia X and 6 month later also for a Xperia compact.
I missed the "if the Sailfish X sales are good" bit.
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2017-09-01 11:48:44 +0200 )editand your question is... ?
rgrnetalk ( 2017-09-01 12:13:00 +0200 )edit@ Giacomo Di Giacomo: It's in, just in other words: "That's bad, because that would mean, that the sales are not as successful as they could be. And that could mean that Jolla thinks it isn't worth to port it to further devices."
@ rgrnetalk: The question is: Can I use Sailfish X, when I buy it now, on a device which is not supported yet, but maybe in future. For example the Xperia X compact.
Fellfrosch ( 2017-09-01 13:16:53 +0200 )edit@Fellfrosch - try not leaving a space between username and @ symbol, as @ Fellfrosch does not notify you that I've left a message ;)
Spam Hunter ( 2017-09-01 13:25:37 +0200 )editSo, simply, you want to support Jolla and buy Sailfish X now, with option to update for free later to something like Sailfish X-compact , right? I think it is good idea to add this kind of clause into User Agreement.
nlsn ( 2017-09-01 14:01:45 +0200 )edit