Will there be more focus on the app ecosystem now sailfish X is here?
I still use my Jolla 1, but only as a backup phone. This is mainly because all the apps I use daily simply aren't there and the Android version on Jolla 1 is too old. On the other hand, I still get updates on this device which really boosts my love for sailfish every time. There is no android phone on the market, of that age, that still gets updates.
I wonder if with Sailfish X on the market there may be some more actions to create more and better apps for sailfish os. I don't care for a faster phone, but I do care for a better user experience.
Does the community have any ideas on how to promote app creation for sailfish os? Can Jolla as a company put more effort in this? Or is this impossible for them?
Consider that Sailfish X has Android 6.0.1 and it's quite recent (far away from Jolla 1 ) .
Luca ( 2017-10-13 11:51:00 +0200 )editThere is little or no incentive for individuals. Why spend hours/weeks/months/ developing for nothing or very little in return?
I can almost see Jolla headed down the sewer, some little Chinese firm stepping in and buying the Jolla name (much like MHD & Nokia) and wedging the latest Android OS with a JollaSailvik layer instead, where you can run all your J1 legacy apps, viewing it through tears of sorrow as you rock back and forth while weeping gently into the ear piece of your old J1, chanting "Why Jolla!, WHY!!!"
Spam Hunter ( 2017-10-13 12:43:17 +0200 )edit