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how many sailfish x are there ? [answered]

asked 2017-10-13 12:13:44 +0200

pawel gravatar image

updated 2017-10-15 12:45:45 +0200

nthn gravatar image

i am wondering how many ports are already used

plese vote up the answers: they are wiki one vote per person

shit, cant vote up my answer ;-)

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by pawel
close date 2017-10-21 09:17:33.786098



I'm not sure this is "not a real question": the community is interested in knowing how many users actually have adopted SFOS in its latest release. Especially after about one year without any HW platform available on the market. Are we condemned to stay a small group of happy geeks (i) lucky enough to have purchased an ad hoc terminal, (ii) skilled enough to have SailFishX successfully installed on it?

objectifnul ( 2017-10-13 19:24:33 +0200 )edit

my opinion too. we will not get numbers from jolla. so i would like if we are tens, hundrets..

if a poll can be question then this statistics too

pawel ( 2017-10-13 21:59:14 +0200 )edit

It's more 'no real answers' than 'not a real question'. You'll get nothing from this poll, because only a fraction of the amount of users will come here and add their vote, not to mention the current choices are already ridiculous - five times the same answer. You may get some sort of numbers from Jolla (ask them), but this will lead nowhere.

nthn ( 2017-10-14 00:55:25 +0200 )edit

Real question. I am interested, too. Reopened.

Stefanix ( 2017-10-14 15:10:43 +0200 )edit

Personal message to the guy who closed this post twice: if you are not interested, don't read and please don't interact. Please do not prevent others from interacting.

objectifnul ( 2017-10-14 18:46:49 +0200 )edit

15 Answers

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answered 2017-10-13 12:14:20 +0200

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updated 2017-10-13 13:55:41 +0200

donaggio gravatar image

F5121 official port

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I wonder what the difference is to flash it to a F5122? Far as I can tell save more memory and an extra sim connector I can't really see any real hardware differences.

Edit: Doh. Typo.

veritanuda ( 2017-10-14 16:55:56 +0200 )edit

the difference is in the AOSP - the do not include the dual sim - AFAIK. Neigther they provide information on the second sim - it is simply not in the program. So IMO Jolla can not work on it. You can however do whatever you want with the device - perhaps best would be to try the community port first.

deloptes ( 2017-10-14 23:07:59 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-10-13 12:29:40 +0200

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updated 2017-10-13 14:07:06 +0200

eson gravatar image

F5121, official port, flashed without Windows ;-)

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I actually ended up using all three, windows, linux and osx, took me a while to shoehorn it.

XFish ( 2017-10-17 00:48:45 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-10-15 13:57:57 +0200

wosrediinanatour gravatar image

Just take a look into the Jolla store. App Predictive Input Text has > 500 downloads.

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For now it is a quite good number. But this will soon become inflated when people reinstall it through all updates and upgrades.

ljo ( 2017-10-15 15:04:12 +0200 )edit

Reinstalling shouldn't change the number, it's linked to your account.

Sthocs ( 2017-10-16 11:45:43 +0200 )edit

@Sthocs are you really sure? Look at the other licensed apps which are also tied to your account on XperiaX, e.g. Exchange, Alien dalvik they have between 5000+-50000+ installations. So if the same logic applies for all apps your statement is not more correct than mine.

ljo ( 2017-10-16 12:14:38 +0200 )edit

Not account, device sorry. We can't be sure of anything but yeah I would think it works like that (at least I hope for Jolla). The Android downloads number reached 25000 in Jul' 15 and 50000 a year later, after Intex and Jolla C devices were sold, so it looks coherent.

Sthocs ( 2017-10-16 13:14:02 +0200 )edit

This app runs on all SFOS phones i believe.

XFish ( 2017-10-17 00:47:36 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-10-13 12:14:04 +0200

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updated 2017-10-13 12:14:04 +0200

pawel gravatar image

community port

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answered 2017-10-13 12:52:47 +0200

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updated 2017-10-13 14:08:03 +0200

eson gravatar image

Official port - flashed from Arch Linux

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Count me in as well, though I already upvoted "F5121, official port, flashed without Windows"

rsainio ( 2017-10-16 14:39:04 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-10-15 13:13:18 +0200

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updated 2017-10-15 21:16:48 +0200

naytsyrhc gravatar image

F5321 Xperia Compact Community Port

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answered 2017-10-16 13:07:59 +0200

nlsn gravatar image

updated 2017-10-16 13:22:50 +0200

I am waiting for official "compact" version! And I'm sure, I'm not alone.

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then open a separated question ;-)

pawel ( 2017-10-16 17:08:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-10-13 14:41:06 +0200

xneo gravatar image

At least one...

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answered 2017-10-14 16:23:38 +0200

carmeloferso gravatar image

Official port using my lovely Xperia X :)

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answered 2017-10-14 16:29:13 +0200

caesium gravatar image

F5121 official port

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Asked: 2017-10-13 12:13:44 +0200

Seen: 3,328 times

Last updated: Oct 16 '17