nfs access for Xperia X
On Jolla1 and JollaC I had no problem to access my nfs-share as nfs-support was build in. On Xperia X nfs support is gone! Is there a reason for this and if not please bring it back.
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On Jolla1 and JollaC I had no problem to access my nfs-share as nfs-support was build in. On Xperia X nfs support is gone! Is there a reason for this and if not please bring it back.
The reason is that current Sailfish X uses the stock android kernel from Sony as-is (to be more precise, the 3.10.86 kernel that Sony released for Android 6.0.1 Mashmallow in their 34.0.A... series of firmware).
This kernel is compiled with NFS disabled, and with modules disabled too (so you cannot even modprobe a .ko module). By the way, support for SMB/CIFS networking is disabled too in this kernel, as is support for BTRFS type partitions.
The long term solution would be for Jolla to compile a different kernel with the support turned (which is possible because Sony is providing the source code for the kernel and is even planning to upgrade to 4.4 ) some community members are attempting exactly that right now.
The current short term solution is to use a FUSE based NFS solution (i.e.: using a user-space client instead of a kernel support)
Some pointerstoward a FUSE NFS. But currently no ready-to-use precompiled RPM on
DrYak ( 2017-10-24 13:37:24 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2017-10-24 10:55:52 +0200
Seen: 525 times
Last updated: Oct 24 '17
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