Poll: Interest in Sailfish optimised Cloud Services?
asked 2017-11-08 04:18:40 +0200

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Fellow Jolla Users,
I am the Chief Systems Engineer for GreenAnt, a privacy focused web services company located in Australia.
We are keen users of Linux based solutions and Sailfish OS and have been tweaking and adapting our web services to work well with Sailfish over the last 18 months.
I know many of you are very technically skilled and may have your own cloud services running but I wanted to gauge interest within the community for a Sailfish optimised storage, sync and messaging solution .
What we'd propose supplying would be a complete package of privacy friendly services:
Latest Nextcloud service (currently v12.0.3) on high speed servers ( https://nest.greenant.net )
- 2 Factor Authentication support with SailfishOS (SailOTP)
- CalDAV sync (native)
- CardDAV sync (native)
- Task support (via DAVDroid/OpenTasks)
- File Sync (compatible with Sailfish and Android clients)
- Collaborative office docment support with OnlyOffice
- Markdown Note support (via native and Android clients)
- bookmark, photo and video sync support
- federation, SFTP, FTP, WebDAV support
IMAP/SMTP with instant message delivery, server-side filtering (sieve)
- webclient (https://webmail.greenant.net) and IDLE support
- Jabber/XMPP messaging with full P2P OMEMO encryption support (via Conversations app)
GPS tracks and phone location support (under full user control)
Video chat via WebRTC
The price we're aiming at is $15 AUD per month including 20GB of storage (with extra storage at $0.50 per GB per month). We would like to donate 10% of this fee to Jolla to encourage further development. We're also committed to providing user documentation and support for our users ( see https://docs.greenant.net/static/GreenAnt_Nest/Phone_Support/index.html ). All GreenAnt services adhere to the highest privacy and security standards. You can read our privacy policy here: https://www.greenant.net/your-privacy/
To get this Sailfish specific bundle off the ground, we need to have around 100 users. The SailfishOS oriented service is working well for us in internal testing currently but I'd expect there's some optimisations that we'll find with a larger user base and we want to make sure the product has sufficient revenue to support Sailfish users properly.
If you're interested in this service, please upvote the YES comment below, also please feel free to add comments if you'd be interested in other services.
p.s. GreenAnt Networks has no affiliation or commercial relationship with Jolla, this offer and the offer to provide a monthly donation to them is made completely independently
Edit 08/11/17
Thanks for the feedback and positive responses. We have had a lot of interest in alternative data locations to enhance security. After crunching some figures, it does look possible to offer serving from Helsinki, Finland, at an affordable price. Data transit is quite a bit more expensive there, so the price would be a little higher (currently with the conversion rate €10 = approx $15 AUD):
The predicted prices would be as follows:
- Australia: $15 AUD per month including 20GB of storage (with extra storage at $0.50 per GB per month)
- Finland: €15 EURO per month including 20GB of storage (with extra storage at €0.50 per GB per month)
If there's strong interest in other locations, we can also consider other countries (cost and user base permitting). It would also be possible to migrate user accounts from one location to another.