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Sailfish X / DRM keys

asked 2017-11-13 09:06:06 +0200

marsch gravatar image

Are there any indications that not having a backup of Xperia X DRM keys impacts the phone's functionality in the long run?

Other posts suggest this will be the case.

However Jolla might convey some other way to get around these limitations with the help of Sony.

I would be kind of annoyed though, if nobody told me to backup the keys and sometime next year features are arising which need them. But it would be equally annoying to spend the time for the DRM key backup if they are never used again in the future.

Having an offical statement from Jolla in this respect would be very helpful, please advise.

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Your Phone isnt going to last 10 years, so does it really matter? And besides, you unlocked the bootloader, not Jolla. Those mayor warning signs were for you to read. All Jolla has to support Sailfish OS on the xperiaX, and you can't expect them to see the future. As of now, you can still flash back to official Sony Android 7.x with minor loss of functionality. Will you be able to flash to Andtoid 8? Who knows, probably yes.

yomark ( 2017-11-13 09:40:34 +0200 )edit

It's not about Jolla seeing the future (or shifting responsibilities in any way).

It just might be the case that Jolla already realized that some functionality is only fully implementable with DRM keys available.

This would be a reason to back them up. Extracting them to just have them wouldn't.

marsch ( 2017-11-13 10:16:33 +0200 )edit

I've been flashing Sony phones with custom android ROM's for many years. I did always back up the "DRM" partition/keys just to be sure, but never wanted to flash back to original Sony ROM's. FWI: "DRM" functionality does not work on other ROM's(with maybe one or two exceptions with older devices where they did some smart things to fool it). In a few months Sony will release Android 8.x based firmware, maybe some minor patches and that's the last we'll see from Sony as well.

Another thing: Jolla can't support the extraction of DRM, because it's not even possible if your Xperia X is on android 7. You need to downgrade it to 6.x(will make the process even more hard to understand for non-technical people), adding another possibility to brick the phone. And then use an android 6 security vulnerability (exploit) to backup the DRM partition. Then flash back to latest Android 7 to have the correct starting point. It's weird to even mention that in a manual. And then you have the files from DRM the partition which will be of 0 use in Sailfish.

yomark ( 2017-11-13 12:00:56 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2017-11-13 10:59:43 +0200

ghling gravatar image

Sony will have a good reason to implement those features in the way that they did, with the special DRM keys which are deleted during unlocking. I'd say that is likely due to proprietary licences from third party companies which only cover the official Android versions. Otherwise, they probably wouldn't have chose this rather complicated way, which also renders their device less appealing for people who want to use alternative ROMs.

I don't think that we will see those special DRM features in SFOS. This would mean Sony would have to renegotiate the use of their licences, which seems unlikely for me since SFOS probably have less users than popular Custom ROMs like Lineage. It also would mean that Jolla would have to implement those proprietary, closed source features in some way (and Sony / the third party companies giving them access to them), which again seems unlikely for the rather few SFOS users.

If Jolla would have seen a possibility at any point during their cooperation with Sony to use the enhancements those DRM keys enable, I'm sure they would have told us prior to flashing. They are aware of the big disappointment this would create for their users otherwise. So I wouldn't expect any implementations of those DRM features in SFOS (although of course its ultimately on Jolla to state this).

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answered 2017-11-13 09:15:54 +0200

Maximilian1st gravatar image

Backup the DRM keys and you'll be on the safe side. I used these websites to follow instructions:

The last one is in German though.

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Asked: 2017-11-13 09:06:06 +0200

Seen: 1,378 times

Last updated: Nov 13 '17