**Application Stuck in Installing Status**
asked 2017-12-02 18:56:16 +0200
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I have an application stuck in "Installing" mode. When I go to application downloads it shows up as installing.
give some more information. which app, which sfos version, which hw. maybe you get some help then.
h.berd ( 2017-12-02 20:12:20 +0200 )editI tried to update all my android apps ( facebook, instagram, whatsapp etc..) in my Intex aqua fish (sfos- , and some of them were able to load and install, but many applications got stucked. I also reset my phone, downloading and installing them from store but the apps are still stuck with the "Installing..." label... Please help!
Devesh sethi ( 2017-12-03 07:46:06 +0200 )editIn general it needs some time, because it downloads all apps first and then starts with the installation. You can try the yalp store. It can update all your android apps. Some apps can also be updated by the f-droid store. If you don't use yalp till now, I would give it a try.
h.berd ( 2017-12-03 19:34:33 +0200 )editThe apps are not updating even from yalp store.. Stuck at installing .. :( ..
Devesh sethi ( 2017-12-04 10:19:45 +0200 )editI'm experiencing the same problem. All apps seem to be stuck on installing for a very very long time. And sometimes they get marked as installed when you logout and login to the store again.
sluimers ( 2017-12-16 20:19:06 +0200 )edit