Update PulseAudio to 11.1 [released]
asked 2017-12-14 11:44:01 +0200
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Hey guys, I'd love to know, if it would be feasible for you to update to PulseAudio 11.1 anytime soon. I know that some of the dependencies are really hard to build yourself, I tried to fiddle around with avahi myself =(. However, an updated PulseAudio would bring us RAOP support with which and some hacking streaming to e.g. Airplay devices could be achieved, which would enrich Sailfish by a lot in my opinion.
Additions from 23.2.18 PA11.1 has been merged into master mer
harry built this version 11.1 on OBS. Note that is not tested in any way.
Additions from 29.12.17
harry has built pulseaudio based on v9
Additions from 21.12.17
DrYak previously has built avahi. It installs, but the services are not starting up, so maybe a rebuilt may be sufficient. I haven't dived into the logs yet.
Those seem to be the original patches that have been merged into PA11.1, but were apparently written for PA8. So maybe it would be possible to include them.
The following has been said on the meeting:
From jusa: ">=v10 are breaking FM radio and bluetooth, and these need to be fixed. But I will push 11.1 branch of upgraded pulseaudio, and you can experiment with that proof-of-concept and the modules to see if you have a desired effect."
Released in 2.2.0 / Mouhijoki
We also need a graphical front end to make it easy to stream and such in other devices. Command like doesn't quite cut it on mobile.
ApB ( 2017-12-14 13:02:04 +0200 )editI agree, but if the ground work is there, maybe the community can step in.
peperjohnny ( 2017-12-14 14:47:54 +0200 )edit@peperjohnny don't count on it. The community is pretty small.
ApB ( 2017-12-14 16:01:31 +0200 )editNo worries. There are things like pavucontrol-qt already, so maybe one can build a QML interface it. At least I will try it, if the groundwork is laid out.
peperjohnny ( 2017-12-14 16:06:42 +0200 )editIndeed all of that part is open and you can build newer pulseaudio yourself. If you need help, talk to us in #sailfishos-porters on irc.freenode.org
r0kk3rz ( 2017-12-15 11:11:30 +0200 )edit