2017-12-30 11:46:41 +0200
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I have decided to take off the heatspreader from the back of the module, with a knife. It turned out to be a bad idea, so I hurt my sensor pretty badly.
But I have gained some knowledge about the module construction which might help either finding a compatible or for possible repairs.
The sensor made up from two PCB-s:
One the flex PCB which goes to the connector:

And there is an another one where the sensor itself is bonded:

On the bottom of this board you can clearly see that this PCB soldered to the flex with "QFN stlye". Maybe these solder joints could be bad too?

The sensor PCB has the following marking:
SP00198-8858 or similar.
Unfortunately I cannot take pictures through my microscope, but the soldering quality between the flex and the main board looks crap, so a carefully controlled reflow of the module might help in similar issues.
At the another hand these findings has a kind of sad conclusion for me: it is possible that this module was especially made for the Jolla C/Aqua Fish, so with high possibility we will not find the same camera in another devices. I think the camera module manufacturer has a standard module (lens+ sensor PCB) and they could design a custom flex PCB for each customer with the proper lenght and connector, etc.
I think mine has died/is dying too (not that I ever used it much since it's absolute sh*t), but if anybody can find out the module model we could get one from Aliexpress or such.
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2017-12-29 21:24:14 +0200 )edit