Poll: The Other Half Option 8 Contestant [answered]
asked 2014-01-20 23:16:18 +0200

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The Other Half contest for Other Half Option 8 Contestant has ended and the winner chosen by Marc Dillon (@Marc) is:
with Ambience Light The Other Half idea!
Ambience Light TOH: Integrated fiberglass combined with LED so that the whole TOH or parts of it glow in adjustable colors. Could also be used as WakeUp Light
@mgbler 'sAmbience Light TOH idea is also available for voting in here: Poll: The Other Half of Dreams!: https://together.jolla.com/question/17129/poll-the-other-half-of-your-dreams/ as the last option number eight!
Thank you for everyone in participating! Let's keep doing this Together!
Okay, as said in Poll: The Other Half of Dreams!: https://together.jolla.com/question/17129/poll-the-other-half-of-your-dreams/
there will be an option "number eight" Other Half which is currently missing. Meaning of this temporary poll here is set up to decide the last contestant aka option number eight.
One Other Half idea is selected among Together users as a "Together users favourite". Remember that the "Together users favourite" can be also "unrealistic" Other Half so use your imagination.
There will be an answer box "Together users favourite" where users can submit suggestions for "Together users favourite other half".
It has been confirmed by @eric that the head of Jolla SW development, Marc Dillon himself is choosing the "Together users favourite" Other Half so its time to bring on some good ideas for "The Ultimate Other Half".
@Marc said below: "Please keep them coming! This is getting exciting. Thank you all for your contributions and lets really show the world where innovation in mobile comes from, people like you!"
Slightly extended deadline :)
The deadline is now set! Last chance to post your entry by Thursday 6.02.2014 till 23:59 EEST.
I believe the time to make suggestions has now ended. Let's give @Marc the time he will need to choose his favourite and wait for the announcement of winner later!
Marc Dillon @Marc will announce his selection on Friday 7.02.2014
"Together users favourite" is also awarded a "special recognition", seen later in "Poll: The Other half of dreams!"
The Other Half Option 8 Contestant competition has ended. The winner is @mgbler with Ambience Light TOH idea!
Use comment box under answer "Together users favourite" to submit your suggestions.
PS. original idea was that the contest would be to choose one "option 8" from four different contestants, but according to the "change of plans" only one contestant/ final option 8 is chosen by Marc Dillon from Together users suggestions.
I must have missed something. What is this option number eight you're mentioning?
Tanghus ( 2014-01-20 23:54:47 +0200 )editgo and see this first: https://together.jolla.com/question/17129/poll-the-other-half-of-your-dreams/
TimTTK ( 2014-01-21 00:04:06 +0200 )edit@Tanghus you can also submit proposal for "Together users candidate" using the comment box if you like.
TimTTK ( 2014-01-21 00:13:52 +0200 )edit@TimTTK I should have followed the link :P Thanks.
Tanghus ( 2014-01-21 00:24:41 +0200 )edit@TimTTK: thanks for your suggestion but I'd rather not be partial upon selecting myself one of the proposals ;) Some good ideas are emerging very nicely! I think it's important to keep it as realistic as possible but hey, it's The Other Half of your dreams after all :D
eric ( 2014-01-21 11:15:40 +0200 )edit