Transfer Jolla license to a non-official phone
Can I transfer a Jolla license to a non-official phone for which Sailfish OS can be installed, for instance a OnePlus X, so that I can install the limited apps (Android support and text prediction, for instance) on it? I am asking both if it is allowed by Jolla and if it is actually possible to do that (the OS is more or less open source, and Jolla only "sees" a stream of bits coming to their servers, so in principle it should be possible to take a OnePlus X and have it mimic an official Jolla phone, whether they like it or not).
Once a license is paid for, I can't see why you couldn't use it on any device you want it on. This is purely conjecture on my behalf. Perhaps to aim an email at jolla care and see what they say.
Spam Hunter ( 2018-01-11 15:45:37 +0200 )editfairphone with dalvik support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This would be awesome!!!
ray-ven ( 2018-01-11 21:07:46 +0200 )editProbably in the realms of wishful thinking in as much port to OPX unlikely to leave beta and any progress beyond Lijoki dependent upon efforts of one individual now.
aspergerguy ( 2018-01-11 21:44:27 +0200 )editI can help you out with a few add ins. Send me an email at rmitchell006 at google mail. Found most of the new OPX's you have to roll back the version of Android. Talk of it being too hard to flash ROM. Have a look at xda forums before you buy. I have one for sale I could post to you too.
rmitchell ( 2018-01-12 09:59:07 +0200 )edit