Getting past lock code via adb ?
Ok not 100% sure I forgot my pass code or if something happened to corrupt it. Was it always 5 numbers ? I vaguely remember it having to be 6 minimum. Either way the pass code no longer seems valid so is there are way I can either clear it or by pass it using developer tools?
I can access the system partition via TWRP so is there a way of just deleting the pass code and unlocking it that way?
I've no used my phone much since before Xmas because of one thing or another but I did spend quite a bit of time configuring and testing it so I am reluctant to just blow it all away. I know I did do a back up previously but from what I read on the forums the back up at that time was not complete and so should not be trusted to be a recovery from factory restore.
EDIT: I suppose i should also add I have copied across the root.img.gz and home.img.gz to my laptop and so can browse and change them freely. Just no sure where to look. Was kinda hoping of a /etc/shadow- file somewhere ;)
EDIT2: So /etc/signond.conf looks interesting. But no sign of it being used anywhere. It has just a couple of options to it.
; All the values are in seconds
; Set the timeout to 0 to disable quitting due to inactivity
Curious about this signonfs partition though. But again no sign of it on /dev/block/mmcblk0 shrugs
Thoughts anyone? Thanks.
I can't help with the rest, but my pass code is 5 numbers long.
rgp ( 2018-02-14 16:22:40 +0200 )editFairy nuff. Figure mine must be six then. But I've run them any which way and still no joy.. *sighs&
veritanuda ( 2018-02-14 16:24:58 +0200 )editwhat device you using? adb? TWRP? some android port?
coderus ( 2018-02-14 16:33:44 +0200 )editGuessing Xperia X from previous posting.
aspergerguy ( 2018-02-14 16:36:29 +0200 )editSony F5121.
When TWRP is booted it has an adb daemon running. I thought people knew that. Anyway, it is easy enough to get the filesystem images question is where do I look on them for the pass code or the settings for pass codes?
veritanuda ( 2018-02-14 16:37:42 +0200 )edit