RCS-Services in Sailfish 3

asked 2018-03-16 10:37:37 +0200

Cryx gravatar image

After Google started over to implement the mobile providers RCS (Rich Communication Suite) Services in Android 8 Oreo and several providers offer the use of this services without additional cost/free of the data plan we will the the use of this service grow - in fact, it is the providers new messaging standard.

RCS communication (offering Calls, Video calls, Text chat including file and location sending, as well as using this during a call) are just tied to the providers, not to third party personal data collectors like Google, Facebook and so on. They match Jolla's idea of independence (as far as I need a mobile provider to use a mobile phone).

Dear Jolla Devs, I strongly recommend to implement these RCS features in Sailfish 3 so that they could be used right from the messages/phone app. Thanks!

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are just tied to the providers, not to third party personal data collectors like Google, Facebook and so on.

Unfortunately this is only partially true. As part of their effort to push RCS, Google offers their RCS cloud service to providers. That means that providers that choose not to implement the infrastructure themselves will send all your RCS communication through Google's central servers.

In principle you're right, though. Just as SMS and MMS, RCS is superior to WhatsApp and stuff in terms of privacy and independence.

ossi1967 ( 2018-03-16 10:51:15 +0200 )edit

Implementing RCS would keep Jolla/Sailfish OS up to date to provider standard, what might be a necessary investment in the future of Sailfish. Looked from a (my) german point of view it would be a google-independent communication; Deutsche Telekom has it's own RCS infrastructure, including direct interlink to Vodafone's german network.

Cryx ( 2018-03-16 11:05:30 +0200 )edit

@Cryx you don't need to convince me, I'm all for it. It's just that it's not 100% independent.

ossi1967 ( 2018-03-16 11:23:35 +0200 )edit

Just a few more weeks and initial post gets one year old. Sailfish 3 was delivered, but much promised things missing, and no sign of RCS-support... 😔

Cryx ( 2019-01-24 17:03:52 +0200 )edit