2018-03-24 12:53:40 +0200
It's not a bug, it's by design. Upon looking in the file responsible for displaying this 'time'. I can see it is a timestamp, that being the time the call got connected.
If you wish to see this for yourself, head to this file destination and look at the code;
at line 91, (Formatter.TimepointRelativeCurrentDay)
This file is also responsible for displaying the relevant time in the call log as well as in the call dialog.
Also, for those interested, for different 'Formatter' types, have a look here;
Starts at line 258
DeclarativeFormatter Types
Component {
name: "DeclarativeFormatter"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: [
"Sailfish.Silica/Format 1.0",
"Sailfish.Silica/Formatter 1.0"
isCreatable: false
isSingleton: true
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0]
Enum {
name: "FormatType"
values: {
"Timepoint": 0,
"TimepointRelative": 1,
"TimepointRelativeCurrentDay": 2,
"TimepointRelativeCurrentDayDetailed": 3,
"TimepointSectionRelative": 4,
"TimepointSectionHistorical": 5,
"WeekdayNameStandalone": 6,
"DurationElapsed": 7,
"DurationElapsedShort": 8,
"TimeValueTwelveHours": 9,
"TimeValueTwentyFourHours": 10,
"TimeValue": 11,
"DurationShort": 12,
"DurationLong": 13,
"DateFull": 14,
"DateLong": 15,
"MonthNameStandalone": 16,
"MonthNameStandaloneShort": 17,
"DateMedium": 18,
"DateMediumWithoutYear": 19